Year 5.5

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I was going to update before the end of the year, but you can see how well that turned out

Professor Umbridge was having a good year (well, beginning of a good year). She had been given authority to do whatever she could to keep an eye on Albus Dumbledore and that Potter brat. And don't get her started on his... friends. Luna Lovegood was a weird girl; no wonder Potter was friends with her. Fred and George Weasley were rebels, so naturally they were going to be by his side. Even Draco Malfoy was close to Potter if what she heard was true, although they hadn't interacted much as far as she could see.

She settled down at the High Table and had just taken her first bite when she saw the bane of her existence.

Harry could feel the burning gaze on him but refused to acknowledge it. He had disliked her from the start, but after that one evening, his opinion of her had dropped even lower. And that was exactly why he was walking with his hand firmly wrapped around Fred's.

(It was also because Fred's hand was warm and comforting and he loved his boyfriend very much, but I digress.)

"You're looking extra spiteful today," Luna remarked as Harry slid in the seat next to her.

"Who, me?" Harry said, giving her an innocent look he could have only learned from either his parents or his boyfriend. Or both.

Luna giggled. "You're not fooling anyone, Harry. What's up?"

"Professor Flitwick said Madam Bones had contacted him last night," Harry said.

Luna perked up. "That's great! Oh, here comes the mail."

Sure enough, the owls had started streaming in. The students sleepily took the Daily Prophet from them and opened them. Their sleepiness vanished abruptly as they processed what they read. Confusion and horror spread quickly, followed by anger.

But no one was as furious as one person in particular.

"WHAT?!" Umbridge shrieked, her face going very pale then red with fury. "Who dared tell these horrible lies about me?"

All around, students were murmuring and casting scared glances up at her.

"Whoever said these lies will be given a week of detention!"

"A week to use a blood quill, you mean?" someone said from the entrance.

In the shock and turmoil, no one had seen the doors open. Madam Amelia Bones walked in with a few Aurors behind her.

Umbridge blanched but lifted her chin. "Can we help you?" she said in her sickeningly sweet voice.

"Madam Dolores Umbridge, you are hereby under arrest," Madam Bones announced.

"This is all a mistake!" Umbridge spluttered. "You can't really believe the word of one student."

The students looked back at the papers doubtfully. It wasn't just one student; a few others had come forward saying the same thing.

"Whether I believe the one student or not is besides the point," Madam Bones said. "There have been accusations against your person, so an investigation must take place."

The Aurors moved forward.

"What? No! This cannot be happening!" Umbridge shouted. "I am Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic!"

"If what is written is true, not for long," Flitwick muttered stonily, but Umbridge didn't hear.

"Potter!" Umbridge screamed.

Umbridge seemed to have forgotten where she was. In her rage, she lifted her wand. "CRUCI—"

Her wand came flying out of her hand before she could finish uttering the dreaded curse and into Snape's hand.

Eagle's Flight // Frarryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن