Year 4.8

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I do apologize for not updating. I have midterms coming up plus I'm lacking the motivation to write this story (yet I'm all right with another one... somehow...)

Sirius and Remus were eating breakfast when Hedwig came flying in. "Harry's written to us!" Sirius bounced in his seat.

Remus took the letter and read it out loud.

Dear Moony and Padfoot,

I'm pretty sure you knew the Triwizard Tournament happening this year. You're not very subtle (especially you, Sirius!). Anyway, my name came out of the Goblet of Fire. What a surprise, I can't ever get a normal year, can I? And of course I can't withdraw without losing my magic because that would be too easy. Do you think this is what Voldemort has planned? It would explain what he said in my dream.

Love, Harry

PS- the real Hogwart champion is Cedric Diggory, from Hufflepuff

"Fuck!" Sirius shouted. "Dammit, why is it always Harry?"

"Padfoot, calm down."

"Calm down?" Sirius repeated, almost hysterical. "Our son is being forced to participate in that tournament, and you expect me to calm down?!"

"I know, but there's nothing we can do."

"Oh, but there is." Sirius laughed bitterly. "Be right back." He hurried off.

Remus sighed loudly. "Please don't be a Howler," he groaned.

Harry thought that perhaps today would be normal enough. It wasn't; although Cedric told the Hufflepuffs of the wizard's oath, the Hufflepuffs were still acting strange around him. The Slytherins, as usual, were either neutral or sneering at him. And then there was Draco Malfoy.

"Who do you think did it?" he demanded during Care of Magical Creatures.

"I don't know. I can barely comprehend that I was chosen."

"Got your autograph books?" Pansy Parkinson sneered. "Better get a signature now, because I doubt he's going to be around much longer... Half the Triwizard champions have died... how long d'you reckon you're going to last, Potter?"

Hagrid distracted them with instructing the class to take the Blast-Ended Skrewts on a walk.

"So," he said to Harry, "yer competin', Harry. In the tournament. School champion."

"One of the champions," Harry corrected him.

Hagrid's beetle-black eyes looked very anxious under his wild eyebrows.

"No idea who put yeh in fer it, Harry?"


He glanced over at the other students.

"Look like they're havin' fun, don' they?" Hagrid said.

Yeah, that sure looks like fun, Harry thought as he watched Lisa Turpin being dragged along on her stomach.

Double Potions was after lunch, and that was its own form of torture. Pansy Parkinson had made badges with the words  SUPPORT CEDRIC DIGGORY-

"Like them, Potter?" said Parkinson loudly as Harry approached. "And this isn't all they do- look!"

She pressed the badge , and the message upon it vanished, to be replaced by another one, which glowed green:


The Slytherins howled with laughter. Each of them pressed their badges too, until the message POTTER STINKS was shining brightly all around Harry.

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