Year 6.2*

545 16 3

Revised: November 27, 2023

Yellow. This is no longer short.


Harry hadn't known what to expect from his first lesson with Dumbledore, but a trip down Bob Ogden's memory lane had not been particularly high on the list. He relayed what he had learned with Luna, who looked more and more alarmed as he spoke.

"A love potion? You mean, like the ones Fred and George are selling?"

"Probably something more potent," Harry said, though now that she mentioned it, he couldn't help but feel queasy. He knew the twins hadn't meant anything by making such an item, but twenty-four hours was more than enough time for things to go wrong. He'd have to find some time to write to them and tell them his concerns.

Throughout the week, though, he didn't have much time to focus on anything but homework, homework, and more homework. It was as if the teachers were hellbent on filling every single student's brain to the brim. Perhaps it was because of this that so many went to watch the Gryffindor Quidditch tryouts, if only to take their minds off of school for a little while. He and Luna took seats next to a few fellow Ravenclaws, all of which had been part of the D.A., and turned their attention to the field.

Katie Bell, the captain of the team, had those vying for the Chaser position go first. Ginny and another girl Harry didn't recognize made the cut. The rest slouched off in defeat. Next were the Beaters, given Fred and George had graduated the previous year.

There was a giggle from behind Harry, and he turned to see Romilda and several other girls watching him. His skin crawled and he faced the front again.

"Be careful what you drink," Cho whispered. "I overheard them the other day talking about love potions."

"Thanks for the heads up," Harry whispered back, more disturbed than ever and deciding to write to Fred as soon as possible so they had at least one less possible place to obtain the potions.

It was now time to find a new Keeper. Harry watched as a burly student saved four goals before taking a sharp turn the wrong direction, allowing the Quaffle to sail pass and through the hoop.

Huh. How odd.

Luna gave a noise of surprise. "Do you think he was stung by a bumbling bee?"

"A what?" Padma said, giving her a quizzical glance.

"A bumbling bee. Their stings make you feel woozy and more prone to mistakes. People often mistake them for bumblebees, but they're actually more orange than yellow."

Padma looked as though she didn't know what to say, so she just turned back to the tryouts.

Ron had replaced the other boy at the hoops. Even from here, Harry could see how nervous he looked.

"Good luck!" called Lavender Brown, who was sitting a short distance away. She clapped her hands over her mouth, and she and Parvati dissolved into giggles.

Ron seemed to steel himself as Katie came hurtling toward him and threw the Quaffle toward a hoop. He blocked it efficiently. It only got better from there. Ron blocked the second, third, fourth, and finally fifth goal and made the team.

Harry grinned, as pleased as if it were his own team. Another thing to tell Fred.

With tryouts done, there was no need for anyone to stick around. Harry hurried to send his letter to Fred, making sure to explain in detail Ron's spectacular saves — and the other boy's spectacular fail — bemoaned of Slughorn's insistence to get him into his club, and emphasized his concern regarding the love potion. He wished he could add more about the Gaunt family but decided it was too risky to send in a letter and resolved to mention it in person when he got the chance.

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