Year 4.3

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Here's another update to make up for Tuesday

The next morning, Harry was woken up by a very panicked Remus. "What's going on?"

"No time to explain. Grab your jacket and let's go!"

Harry obeyed and followed him outside, where Sirius was waiting. People were racing by, away from something that was moving toward them. He couldn't see what or who it was, but he could hear jeering and laughter that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Then a bright green light illuminated the scene.

A group of hooded wizards were slowly marching across the field. Above them were four figures struggling in vain to get free.

"Come on!" Sirius grabbed his hand and began dragging him away from the strange wizards.

Wizards and witches jostled the group, and Harry stumbled several times. At one point, he was knocked over, losing Sirius and Remus.

"Harry!" They struggled against the tide but were pushed back.

"Get out of the way!" Remus shouted.

A leg smacked against Harry's head, and he blacked out.

When he opened his eyes, the wizards were gone. Actually, everyone was gone. The fires Harry had seen were out, leaving a deserted gray landscape with torn up tents and the tang of smoke filling the air.

Then he saw a lone figure standing several yards away. He watched as it pulled out a wand and pointed to the sky. "MORSMORDRE!"

A skull appeared in the sky, a serpent protruding out of its mouth. Harry looked back to the man, but he had gone.

He shakily stood up, staring at the skull in horror. There was only one person he could associate it with: Voldemort. Was that group of wizards those Death Eaters Sirius had mentioned? If so, was Voldemort back? He recalled his dream/vision and shuddered. The Death Eaters couldn't have been acting on his orders, not unless Voldemort had changed his mind about not taking action until after the Quidditch World Cup.


Harry ducked as a red light came hurdling toward him.

"Stop!" yelled a voice. "STOP! That's my godson!"

Sirius rushed over and pulled Harry to his feet.

"Harry! Are you okay? Merlin, we were so worried about you!" he exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

"Out of the way, Mr. Black," Mr. Crouch said coldly. "How did you do it?" he demanded Harry.

"I didn't do it," Harry said, taken aback by Mr. Crouch's implications.

"Do not lie, sir! You have been discovered at the scene of the crime!"

"Barty," whispered a witch in a long woolen dressing gown, "he's a kid, Barty, he'd never have been able to-"

"Where did the Mark come from?" Remus demanded.

"Over there," said Harry shakily, pointing at the place where they had heard the voice. "There was someone there... they shouted an incantation-"

"Oh, stood over there, did they?" said Mr. Crouch, disbelief etched all over his face. "Said an incantation, did they? You seem very well informed about how that Mark is summoned-"

"Do you really think that Harry Potter would summon the Mark?" Sirius said, voice cold.

Mr. Crouch finally seemed to realize who he was talking to. "Er... no, I- sorry."

"May we leave now? Harry needs to rest."

"Of course, of course." Crouch led the other wizards and witches in the direction Harry had indicated.

"Come on, pup. We need to get home."

For once, Harry was not looking forward to Hogwarts. Between his dream and the Death Eaters and the lone man that shot the Dark Mark into the sky, he was quite nervous.

"Worry about that later," said a very tired Sirius. "For now-" he yawned- "focus on getting on the train."

Harry took his usual seat in the back, and not a moment later, Fred and George came in. "Hey, Harry."

Harry smiled. "Hi, guys."

"Morning, Harrykins," Fred said.

"It's gonna take some time getting used to you not wearing glasses," George said, staring at Harry's face. "I can just see the Daily Prophet. 'Harry Potter: the Boy-Who-Threw-Away-His-Glasses.'"

"Oh, Merlin, no!" Harry exclaimed. "The last thing I need is another ridiculously long, hyphenated moniker for myself."

The twins laughed.

Their next guest was Luna. "Hello, Harry," she said, smiling at him with that familiar vacant expression. "Have the Nargles stolen your glasses?"

"No, I actually don't need them anymore," Harry said.

"That's good to hear. Now we can see your eyes much better. Isn't that right, Fred?"

Fred cleared his throat. "Uh, yeah. Very pretty." His face went red as he realized what he had just said.

Harry grinned. "For the record, your eyes are pretty, too."

George leaned in. "What about mine?"

Harry looked at him and pretended to examine his eyes. "They look like Fred's- shocking, isn't it?"

"Really?" Both Weasleys exchanged surprised looks. "I never would have guessed."

"But I'm still more handsome," George said.

"In your dreams!" Fred retorted.

Luna giggled and began reading her magazine upside-down.

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