Summer 3.14

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This is mostly a filler with a (somewhat) embarrassing second half

As expected, Harry spent a lot of time in the Black library. More than once, Sirius would have to drag him out so he could eat. When Sirius had first done this, he had been shocked to feel just how skinny and light Harry was. This only made him more determined to get him into the kitchen.

It was Remus who noticed something else that was off. As a bookworm himself, the werewolf was often in the library with Harry. Remus would occasionally glance up to look at the smaller boy and caught him reaching up and rubbing his eyes. Once, Harry even put down his book and stopped reading for a good five minutes.

"Harry?" he decided to speak up.

"Hm?" Harry mumbled, pushing his glasses back up.

"How long have you had those glasses?"

"Mmm... for as long as I can remember," Harry said. "One of my teachers saw that I was struggling with reading things on the board and suggested to my aunt and uncle to get my eyesight checked."

"And did they?"

"Sort of. Aunt Petunia found a pair and gave them to me. But they weren't prescribed and I hadn't changed them since."

Remus frowned. "It's recommended everyone gets a checkout at least once a year," he told Harry. "Tomorrow, we'll go to Diagon Alley and see what can be done."

"Really?" Harry perked up.

"Course. Let me go tell Sirius."

"This is so weird," Harry whispered as he looked around. "It's like a whole new world!"

It turned out that there was a place that could fix Harry's eyesight permanently. The fee was a fairly large one, but the Black family was very wealthy, so it barely made a dent.

"Your eyes don't hurt anymore?" Sirius asked.


"And you don't have to worry about your glasses falling off during battle," Remus added optimistically.

"So, Harry," Sirius said, sidling up to his godson as they walked back into Grimmauld Place, "I couldn't help but notice that you are growing up."

"Wow, really? I never realized," Harry deadpanned.

"Funny," Sirius grumbled. "You know, it isn't uncommon for kids your age to start... experimenting."

"Experimenting? With what?"

"Oh, you know, other kids."

The baffled look on Harry's face made Remus wonder if he actually ever had thoughts of doing so. "Padfoot, I think you're confusing him."

"Then I think it's time, don't you think?" Sirius said.

"Oh, no. You are not having the... the talk right now!"

"Of course not now! Tonight!" Sirius skipped away, happy with his plans.

"Moony, what did you mean by the talk?"

"The sex talk," Remus said bluntly.

"Oh." Harry's face paled. "That's- wow. Okay."

"Don't worry about it. Go find something to do."

"I'm already worried."

Later, Sirius dragged Harry and Remus into his room for the dreaded talk.

It became apparent almost immediately that Harry didn't even know the basics. "Mastur-what?"

"Masturbating. It's a form of relief."

"But I've never needed... relief before."

"Hm, that's interesting. Most boys do around this time. But there's nothing wrong if you don't!" he added quickly at Harry's worried face. "Every person's different."

"Most teenagers get crushes here and there," Remus added.

"Anyone in mind?" Sirius asked eagerly.

An image of flaming red hair flashed in Harry's mind, but he shook his head. "No."

Sirius grinned at the faint blush that had coated his godson's cheeks. "Really?"

"Sirius," Remus chided.

"Come on, Moony! Haven't you been paying attention?"

"Yes, but you need to be more serious." Remus realized what he said too late. "Don't you dare-"

"But, Moony, I'm always Sirius."

Remus groaned and thumped his head against the wall.

"This is so embarrassing," Harry groaned.

"Alright, alright," Sirius relented, "I won't ask you who you like, but-" he jabbed a finger at Harry sternly- "if you're gonna invite someone over, it better tell us first. Okay?"

"Got it."


Harry lives in a magical world; why hasn't he gotten his eyesight fixed? Personally, I think it's because it's one of the more difficult things to come by. Magic can only do so much; it's not a miracle worker all the time (if it were, I doubt they'd have as many issues as they do have)

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