Year 4.2

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Holy Snitch, I completely forgot to update on Tuesday! Sorry about that; term had just started

Sirius and Remus have a talk with Fred regarding Harry

"Is there any method of transportation that does not involve having me land on my face?" Harry groaned, voice muffled from being faceplanted on the ground.

He had been holding onto Sirius when they Apparated, only for Harry to slip upon landing.

"You could learn to ride a broom," Sirius said.

"Ugh," was the intelligent reply.

Sirius' antics had been rubbing off on Harry, and Remus didn't know whether he should feel amused or exasperated.

"Apparation sucks!"

Or both.

"And you suck!"

Definitely both.

They met the Weasleys while exploring the surrounding tents.

Charlie and Bill had joined their family as well. Having met Percy, Harry had thought that Bill would've been rule-abiding and serious, but he seemed pretty laidback.

"How're you doing, Harry?" Charlie said.

"Great. I-"

"Harrykins!" George threw himself at his friend. "It's been ages!" he cried dramatically.

"I sent you a letter yesterday morning, George."

"Too long!"

Fred was trying not to drool as Harry turned to him. His eyes stood out even more now without his glasses obscuring his face. "You look great."

Harry beamed at him.

Sirius cleared his throat, drawing Fred's gaze away from Harry's. With an audible gulp, Fred followed him and Remus. "So, Fred," Sirius began in a light tone, "George told me you threw the letter I sent away."

"I did? Must've not been paying attention."

"Uh huh. Really? So you wouldn't mind if I asked you in person, then?"

Fred blinked several times. "Asked me what?"

"What do you think of my godson?"

"He's- well- er-" Fred stumbled over his words. He looked back over at Harry, who was conversing with Charlie, probably about dragons if Fred knew his brother. Harry was listening very intently, biting his bottom lip, a habit Fred noticed he had whenever he was studying. His eyes were wide with curiosity and wonder as Charlie spoke to him, and at one point he started bouncing up and down excitedly.

A quiet cough made Fred whip back around. "Adorable!" he blurted out. "He's... adorable."

Sirius nodded, face not showing any of his amusement. "I see. So, tell me. What are your intentions with Harry?"

Fred looked back at Harry again to see that he was speaking with Bill now. "I've wanted to- er- ask him out for Hogsmeade last year. But he wasn't able to go." Here, he gave Sirius a pointed look.

"Whoops," Sirius said sheepishly. "But now that I am free and have taken my rightful place as Harry's responsible godfather-" Remus snorted- "he is allowed to go."

Fred perked up. "You approve?"

"Of course. But as a responsible parent-" Remus snorted again- "I must say this." Sirius cleared his throat and became more... well, serious. "If you hurt my godson, I will not hesitate to take action even if I end up back in Azkaban for it."

"I would never!" Fred exclaimed indignantly.

Satisfied, Sirius grinned. "Glad we had this talk." He patted Fred's head like he was a small child and went back to the others.

Fred groaned. "Please don't tell me you're going to threaten me, too," he begged Remus.

"Sirius'll expect me to, but I'll keep it short. Don't make us regret giving you our blessing. Okay?"

Fred could practically hear Remus' inner wolf growling at him. "I won't."

"Good." Remus smiled. "And don't try to corrupt him too much. We already have Sirius for that."

"So what did you want with Fred?" Harry asked Sirius as he and Remus rejoined him and led him away.

"Nothing important," Sirius said. "Don't worry."

"Okay..." Harry trailed off uncertainly.

"Harry!" A pale blur came rushing at him. It was Draco. He leapt into Harry's arms enthusiastically. "How are you? Are Lupin and Black taking care of you? They must be; you look much better. How annoying is Black? Mum said that he's always been a bit-"

"Draco." Lucius Malfoy stepped up, giving his son a disapproving glance. While he was glad that Harry was clearly a great friend of Draco's, Lucius did not like how he seemed to lose all decorum when it came to the young Ravenclaw.

"Sorry, Father." Draco untangled himself from Harry.

"Hello, Mr. Malfoy," Harry said.

"Mr. Potter." Lucius inclined his head. "This is Narcissa, my wife."

"What have you been saying about me, cousin?" Sirius broke in.

Narcissa just smiled. "The truth."

Draco was very noticeably jittery with excitement. "The Minister invited us," he told Harry. "Top Box. Great view. Are you joining us?"

"Yeah," Harry said.

"Great! Hey, where are your glasses? Never mind, you can tell me later."

He grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him off to look at the souvenirs, leaving the adults watching with varying degrees of amusement and exasperation on their faces.

"I swear Draco is acting like Sirius in a sugar rush," Remus commented.


"You should've seen his letter when Potter finally accepted his friendship," Narcissa said.

"Don't remind me," Lucius groaned. He was honestly surprised Draco hadn't sent a Howler, his words were full of enthusiasm.

Lucius led his family and Harry's to the Top Box, where Cornelius Fudge greeted them. "Ah, Fudge. How are you? I don't think you've met my wife, Narcissa? Or our son, Draco?"

"How do you do, how do you do?" said Fudge, smiling and bowing to Narcissa. "And allow me to introduce you to Mr. Oblansk- Obalonsk- Mr.- well, he's the Bulgarian Minister of Magic, and he can't understand a word I'm saying anyway, so never mind." He saw Sirius and stiffened slightly.

"Ah, Mr. Black," he said nervously. "I do hope you're enjoying your freedom."

"Very much so. It's too bad I wasted twelve years of it, isn't it?" He caught Remus' expression and went on more civilly. "And how are you doing?"

"Splendid, splendid." Fudge looked at Harry eagerly. "Mr. Potter, I see you've finally gotten an interest in Quidditch." It was a well-known fact that Harry would rather read a book than watch any sport.

"Not really, but this kind of event only comes around once in a lifetime."

"I'm sure you'll change your mind once the game starts."

Fudge was wrong. Harry didn't change his mind about Quidditch. But he did gain more appreciation for it. And seeing Draco cheering along with everyone else was just as entertaining.

And, of course, watching him trying not to drool over the Veela was a bonus.

I wonder if the Veela charm would affect me...

Also, I'm still bitter about no Charlie in the films. And a bunch of other things

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