Chapter 45

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The sequel to this book is now up! It is called Dance Away 2 so go add it to your library!

{Dance Away}

{Chapter 45}

"So like I told you before we went on break we have a special guest. Ella Scott, she is Niall's girlfriend and a dancer for Little Mix! How are you, Ella?" Asks the interviewer. I couldn't remember her name.

"I'm great!" I say smiling.

"That's great, how is it going on tours for dancing?" She asks me.

"It's really fun, you get to know everyone so well we're all like family. Dancing has been apart of me for a long time so it's just amazing being able to do what I love while having fun," I answer. I look over to see Niall backstage giving me a thumbs up.

"Really? How long have you been dancing?" She asks me.

"Since I was 3, it might seem impossible but my mom started me when I was young." The lady nods.

"Don't you ever get home-sick or ever miss your parents?" The lady asks. Niall had told me I don't have answer what I don't want to.

"I've gotten home-sick once but I don't really ever miss my family because the only family I need is the band, my best friend Hannah and Niall. My parents are divorced and I do f even really have any family." The lady nods and announces we are going to right back.

After the interview Niall and I drove home. It wasn't bad having an interview but she got really personal and she knew it.

Niall ended up coming out there to get me in the middle of the interview because I was almost in tears.

"It was a set up, Niall! Someone knew I was going to crack if they asked the right questions," I tell Niall on the way.

"Calm down Ella," he says clearly frustrated at what happened.

I was humiliated in front of live TV, Niall could get in big trouble from his management. I could possibly loss my job over what happened.

My phone starts ringing and I see its Hannah. I pick up, "Hello?" I answer.

"Are you okay? I saw the interview and when Niall came to get you he didn't look to happy," Hannah says. Great, I bet half the world knows by now.

"Are you home?" I ask her in almost a whisper so Niall won't hear me.

"Of course I am, why?" She asks me.

"I'll be over in a few," I mutter then hang up.

Niall was still pissed when we got home. He ignored me the whole way home, slammed the door and didn't even acknowledge I was here.

I call a taxi so I could get out of here. I almost busted out in tears because of what happened and all Niall could do was ignore me!

After 20 minuets- and no Niall didn't bother to come out to see why I wasn't inside- a taxi came to get me.

I told the man the address and sat in the backseat waiting to arrive at Hannah's house.

"Your here miss," says the man. I open my eyes to see Hannah's house.

"Thank you," I hand him the money and I get out. It had gotten colder in the time I had been in the car. As I walked up to her house I clinched onto my purse.

I get out my spare key to unlock the door and open it.

"Hannah?" I shout when I get in.

"In the kitchen," she shouts. I walk through the living room to the kitchen to see her there in an over sized t-shirt that went down to her thighs. She had on shorts and her hair was in a messy bun.

"What's up?" She asks turning to look at me.

"I think Niall is mad at me. All the way home he ignored me, he acted as if I wasn't even there!" I tell her. In the time I had came to Hannah's I turned my phone off so if he called I wouldn't know.

"It's getting late, Ella. Why don't you just stay here?" Hannah asks and I nod. "I'm not really hungry, I just want sleep." Hannah nods. "You know the way," she tells me. I nod and make my way up to my room that I always slept in. It still had some of my cloths here, many pictures of me and Hannah in here. There was a queen size bed in my room. It had pink sheets and pink pillows. I had quotes painted or paste all over my room. I go over to the big window that was 5 feet away from the bed. It had a window seat that I use to read my books at, the view was beautiful!

At night the lights over London would light up and you could see over the city, during the day it was still beautiful.

I sit on the window seat as I hear a knock. "Come in," I shout. The door opens and closes. I turn to see Louis standing there.

"Niall is worried about you, he said he can't find you." Louis starts off.

"I thought he was mad at me," I state staring out the window.

"You just had to give him time. He said you won't answer your phone and you just disappeared!" I nod slowly.

"I turned my phone off, I'm just home-sick and I need time to think. I'll be back home tomorrow, please don't tell him where I am!" I tell Louis begging him.

"I won't but he won't sleep till he knows your safe." Louis says and I nod.

"I'll text him, but I'm not coming home. Will you please leave me alone?" Louis rolls his eyes and walks out of the room. I lean my head against the wall and close my eyes.

I just need time.


So mixed emotions in this chapter. The sequel is now posted! Thank you for all the reads, yesterday I was at 1K and today I'm at like 2K reads on this book.


I love you guys!

How did you think of this chapter? I tried to make it long just because I love you guys! MKAY bye

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