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"Ella?" My moms voice makes me jump a little. I didn't expect her to answer, correction I didn't want her to answer. "Hey, I'm staying at Hannah's tonight. It's her birthday," I explain to my mom. "You have dance tomorrow, sweetie." She explains sounding a bit irritated. "Mom, Hannah is turning 20. Please let me celebrate with her," I beg. I honestly didn't know why I even needed her permission, it wasn't like I was in high school still.

"Ella, I don't know. Last time you asked to stay at Hannah's there was a party going on the same night next door," she says sternly. "I didn't even go. You're being unfair!" I was now beyond annoyed. "You're not staying and that's finale! I expect you to be home right away." My mom answers then hangs up.

"You can't go?" I turn to see Hannah standing there. I don't get to answer since she already knows the answer. "It's okay, maybe next time." "But you turn 20 once. You don't have a family to celebrate with," I argue with Hannah. It was true, my mom and I were Hannah's only family. "I'll be okay. I'll probably watch chick flicks," I nod, still feeling bad. I grab my things so she can drive me back home.

The car ride to my house was quiet. No music feeling my ears, no laughing or talking. When we arrive to my house I grab my things then rushing inside. "Hello!" My mom says as I walk through the house to my room. "Your being unfair!" I shout as I slam my door. I get on my computer and clock in the FaceTime application to talk to my sister, Arabella.

I prayed that she would answer, and she did. "Hey!" She says. "Hi," I wasn't even going to pretend that I was okay. "What's wrong?" She asks and I explain everything to her. "Awe, I feel bad for her! Belles why don't you just sneak out?" Belle was my nickname and Bella was hers. "But what if I get grounded," I ask. "What is she going to do? Take your phone and computer? Everything you own you bought. Plus she can't kick you out! If she does, so what, live with Hannah! It's a win win!" She was speaking the truth.

"But she'll be disappointed." Was I actually thinking of actually sneaking out. "So? Your her only family left besides grandma and grandpa! She has nothing to do with me, besides mom will get over it. Trust me," I sigh before nodding. "Okay then, I'll let you go! Have fun at the club!" She smiles before hanging up.

Ella: I'll meet you at the club
Hannah: Really? I can't believe you are actually gonna go

I stuff pillows underneath my blanket and open my window to climb out. I walk to where my car is parked on the street, it was an old grey car. When I arrive at the club I see Hannah right away. I park and lock my car and walk to where Hannah was standing in line to get in. "Wow, I can't believe you went through with it," Hannah smirks. "Shut up," I exclaim pushing her little. "Well, let's get this party started." We only wait in line for a little over five minuets before we enter. After entering Timber by Pitbull and Ke$ha was playing loudly.

Hannah and I got something to drink and went in the corner to dance. After a couple drinks in Hannah made her way to the dance floor with some guy who wanted to dance with her. "You know, it's better to dance out there then right here!" I hear a male say, he had blond hair with blue eyes.  I couldn't entirely hear him due to the loud music. "No thanks, I'll stay here!" I shout over the music. "At least dance with me for one song!" I wanted to say yes but knew better not too. "No thanks!" I walk away ready to leave. I couldn't see any sign of Hannah, I hope she would forgive me for leaving. I had stayed for about an hour but I got an uneasy feeling when the guy had asked me to dance.

As I walk out I see Hannah getting in her car. "Ella? I was looking for you but didn't find you!" Hannah says when she sees me. "Don't worry, I'm leaving this place. See you tomorrow!" I blow her a kiss and then get in my car to drove home.

"Ella Grace Scott! I can't believe you snuck out of the house to go hang out with your friend!" My mom yells when I get back to my room. "It was her birthday, I wasn't going to let her celebrate on her own!" "She is a bad example! I don't want you near Hannah ever again!" "What?" My mother has left me shocked. She has never told me not to see Hannah, she isn't a bad example. "You can't run my life," I yell getting upset. "I don't care, she is a bad example on you! I don't want you near her again!"

With my moms words hitting me like knifes, I run to my room crawling into bed to cry myself to sleep. Why didn't my mom see the good in Hannah like me? She was sweet, shy, caring and kind! She feels bad if she curses! She couldn't even hurt a squirrel. Why couldn't my mom see that?

919 Words

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