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Today I had dance practice, it was my last practice before the big audition. I was still quite upset at my mom from what happened the night before. Like every day I went for a twenty minute jog, then I took a shower, and got dressed for dance. I slip on my slides, grab my dance bag and I'm out the door for practice.

"First we must stretch!" Says Lilly, my dance instructor. My mom paid for private lessons which I hated, it was easier for Lilly to criticize everything I did wrong. Rolling my eyes, I begin stretching just like every day. My frustration made me want to dance to forget my worries. In dance I always forgot my troubles, mostly because I was more fixated on the dance I needed to learn of what I needed to fix to make myself better.

"Someone is upset!" I hear Lilly say as I stretch. "Quite frankly I'm not in a good mood, so just drop it." I snap at her. "Please," I add a couple minuets after when I realize I had came off a bit harsh. I turn on To Build A Home, a very sad song I might add, and start dancing.

"Arch your back!" Lilly corrects me when I mess up. I run and jump stretching my legs into the splits. "Point your toes!" She shouts. I then do my triple pirouette. Spin, spin, spin. "Find your spot, Ella!" I run and jump before landing down on my knees. "Show emotion!" I go for my leap into a pirouette, and I fall. "I can't do it!" I shout in frustration. "Again," she says before I can even say a word. So I start again, I arch my back, point my toes, I find my spot, and I show emotion. When it's time for my leap into a pirouette I fall, again. I wanted to scream, tears started to well up in my eyes. "I'm done for today!" I stomp out of the room into the back room to grab my things. I hear Lily sigh from the other room.

After putting on sweats and a t-shirt, I go for a walk in the city. I left my car at the studio since I would be back anyways. I needed more practice before tomorrow. I couldn't just stop being Hannah's friend, she did nothing to make my mom say that. My mom could blame me, but not her. "Ouch!" I yelp in pain while running into someone. I look up to see a blonde headed boy. "I'm sorry, didn't see you!" He looked familiar. "Yeah, it's okay." I answer brushing myself off then turning away to leave.

"Wait, your her. From the club? Wow, I thought I'd never see you again." "What club?" I ask him. "The club last night. I think I might have scared you away! Let's restart, I'm Niall! What's your name," He asks. "Ella," I answer then turn to walk away from the creep. Why did I answer him? When I turn the corner I take a quick peak back to see if he followed me and thankfully he didn't.

I make my way back to the studio, I had waisted enough time. Instead of going back inside to practice some more I get in my car and drive home. As I reach my house my moms car was parked in the drive way. "You only went for half of practice?" She yells at me when I walk in. "I'm stressed mother! Can't you see? Your making me loose one of my best friends!" I tell her. "Friends shouldn't get in the way of your dancing." She tells me rather harshly. "Well, neither should parents!" I snap then run to my room.

I FaceTime Arabella and like always she picked up. "What's wrong?" Her face was full of concern. "I'm sorry, all I'm doing is calling you to rant." "That's what I'm here for," she smiles and I begin telling her what had happened.  "When is your auditions?" She asks trying to change the subject. "Tomorrow, but that's not the point," I tell her. "Just calm down." "No, I can't. It's your fault I'm in this mess Arabella! Your the reason all this happened! If I hadn't listened to you, I wouldn't be in this mess." I hang up then start crying. Hannah promised me she would be at my auditions, but I don't think I want any one to come. I hear my computer ring again but I ignore it. Then I receive a text:
Arabella: I'll give you time. I love you!

I hear a knock at the door. "Go away!" "I made cookies," My mom says sweetly. "I don't want any of your stupid cookies, I want out of this house." I sounded more like a kid than an adult. "Now go away!" Hearing a gasp from the other side, I know she got my message. About an hour of staying in my room I finally grabbed my dance bag and walked out of my room. "Where are you going?" "I'm going to go practice. I have audition tomorrow," I tell my mom. She nods and keeps quiet not saying another word. I go to my car and drive to my dance studio.

When I arrive I connect my phone and play To Build A Home. I don't bother stretching, I just needed to practice. I arch my back, then I run and leap.
Point your toes Ella!
I do my triple pirouette.
Move your hands, Ella!
Move your body, Ella!
Point your toes, Ella!
I take off running, doing a leap and land on my knees.
Show emotion, Ella!
I go into a head stand flipping into my bridge, and up.
I run down the other side of the stage. I jump and pirouette.
Don't fall, Ella!
Smile, Ella!

Let's try something new. Before I finish I do my straddle.Landed it! I go into a bridge, kicking a leg up and down. I stand up and pose. The song ended. "Wow, just wow! Your amazing! Can you be my dance instructor instead?" I look in the back to see a girl walk in. "I'm Carly, I was just waiting for my private lesson with Lilly."

"Thanks, I'm Ella." I was breathing pretty hard considering I just got done dancing. "Your a heck of a dancer. Better than me!" I laugh a little. "What are you stressed about? If you don't mind me asking." Carly says. "How did you know?" I question her and she laughs a little. "You are a bit tense." I let out a sigh and sit on the floor to stretch a bit. Carly joins me and stretches beside me. "It was my friend's birthday. She wanted to go to the club, so I was totally down for it. But my mom didn't want me spending time with her on her birthday. She has no family nor friends beside me. Anyways, I went home and My friend was upset. I FaceTimed my twin sister, Arabella, and she told me to sneak out. I did and my mom caught me and she told me I can't be friends with Hannah. I'm just stressed!" I tell her. Carly nods, taking in everything I had just told her. "I understand completely. I mean I would be upset too!" It's silent for a moment and then she leans over to hug me. "It's okay, just talk to Hannah. I'm sure she can help you out!"

"Thank you! Well I got to go!" I tell her. She grabs a piece of paper and writes on it. "Call or text me some time." I nod then leave. It felt nice to just talk to someone who didn't know me, that way they couldn't judge me.

1306 Words

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