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Niall POV
Today was our last concert in New York, the gurls were shopping while we had sound check. "What are we even singing?" Zayn asks coming in late, it looked like he had just woke up. "Look who was late this time! Wasn't me," Louis screamed. "Man Lou, calm down. I have a headache," Liam says drinking some water. Louis shrugs his shoulders and walks away.

"What are we singing?" Zayn asks again and looks at me when the others don't answer.  "Same set as last concert." Thinking of the concert made me think of Ella. She drove me crazy, I just wanted to call her mine. "Niall, did you hear me?" I snap out of my daze to see Harry and Zayn looking at me. "What?"

"Never mind," Harry said and they both walked off to the strange where I then followed to begin sound check.

Ella POV
All the girls had went shopping, again, and I stayed back. I went to the area early to watch Niall, I mean, the boys do sound check. All the boys were there except Niall, where was he? Seconds later he runs on stage and they begin. Honestly, what was I doing here?

They begin singing the beginning and endings of each song. I sit back and listen to them, laughing along the way. They always found a way to make their work fun. Harry started singing his solo and attempted to sing at high as his voice would let him making him sound like a girl. "No harry, it goes like this!" Louis then tried to top it. "Your both doing it wrong," then Niall started singing as deep as he could, he sounded like a frog.

"I can top that," Liam says into the microphone. Suddenly I feel a pair of eyes on me, I look to where Niall stands and he just smiles. He waves at me and I wave back, that causes the other boys to look over. "Ella! Would you care to join us?" Zayn says into the microphone. "It's the best seat in the house," Louis teases pointing directly at Niall. I shake my head laughing and stand up.

"Honestly, I thought y'all could do better!" I tease them as I walk into the stage. "How does the dance go?" Liam asks when I finally get on stage. The song plays and they begin singing as I do the moves and they try to copy me.

"Wow, this is a sight!" Alyssa then walks on stage clapping her hands. The other dancers are behind her. "How was I?" Harry asks her with a wink. Britney rolls her eyes. "Could've been better, are we ready for rehearsal?" And just like that the jokes stopped.

We began rehearsals, the boys singing and us dancing. Every once in a while I would make eye contact with Niall and he would wink which made me blush and look away. After an hour management finally releases us, "Looks good!"

We all filed back stage and see five boxes of pizza with a note telling Niall to get his food last. Everyone starting laughing and making jokes about it. I got two slices like everyone else except Britney, she said that pizza isn't healthy, but it meant more for us.

When Niall finally got his pizza I went back and got a couple more slices. There was small chatter around the room, instead of inserting myself into the conversations I just sat and listened while eating. Niall went back to get some more when he was done. By now everyone was done except for Niall and I, we both kept going back for more pizza.

"Dang, how many pieces have you had Ella?" Zayn asks and everyone looks at me. Suddenly I get nervous, "Only eight slices, I would've got more but you interrupted me." Everyone stares at me in complete awe. "Niall how many have you ate?" Liam asks as Niall stares at me. "Only five," he whispers.

"Ella, you have ate more than Niall!" Louis says with a gasp and everyone laughs. "You know what. I challenge you, Ella, to a pie eating contest!" Niall says and I laugh while shaking my head. "Seriously?" He looked at me still, his face not changing. He looked determined, "Challenge accept, just know back home I was the pie queen." Harry and Alyssa leave and come back with pies, they each had eight. "These pies were suppose to be for the management and security team but we can get more. You will each have five minutes to eat as many pies as you can. Winner gets bragging rights and five hundred dollars." Louis shouts, everyone crowds around. Alyssa stood by me with my pies in her hand. Zayn and Liam started recording as the dancers start to cheer me on.

"Ready. Set. Go!" I began stuffing my face with pie as fast as I could. I was half way done when I look over to see Niall was just about finished with his pie. I need to step it up. "Done," Niall shouts and Harry shoves another pie for him to eat. "Done," I shout shortly after. I begin eating this pie faster, "Done," I find myself saying again. As I finish my third pie Niall shouts "Done!" "Done!" I shout again ready for my fourth pie. My stomach was beginning to get full. When were they gonna call time? Focus Ella! "Done," Niall shouts. What number was he on? "Done," I shout and my fifth pie is in front of me. Just as I finished my fifth pie I hear Liam shout, "Time!" I sit back and Niall grabs water to drink.

"Who won?" I ask out of breath. Niall stares at me for a moment. "You did, you beat him by two whole pies," Harry says and I swear I hear everyone scream cheering for me. I won? I seriously won!! "Money?" I turn to Niall smirking. He laughs and pull out his wallet and hands over five hundred dollars.

I begin counting to make sure it's all there, "I believe I have met my match. I'll get you next time," he says with a smirk. "There will most definitely be a next time."

1045 Words

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