Chapter 11

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{Chapter 11}
{Dance Away}

I look around the crowds of people hoping to find Bella some where in the mist. But, I was out of luck! I didn't see her any where and I have been here for 3 hours already.

"Hi, do you need help finding something?" I turn around to see a boy there. "Umm yeah, I'm trying to find my sister," I explain to the guy and he stares at me. "Bella, you told Ella that you would meet her at the coffee shop." The boy says and I look at him weird.

"Oh, you think I'm Arabella? No! I'm Ella," I tell the guy and he nods. "I forgot I told her that," he nods and grabs my hand.

"Arabella," he shouts while walking. "Marco," he screams again. "Polo," a shout comes from a crowd. "Get your butt over here," he shouts again and I see someone walking this way.

"Ella! Oh my gosh you look so pretty," she says bringing me I to a hug. "I see you met my boyfriend," she says nodding towards the guy that helped me.

"Dance! Dance! Dance!" We heard chanting from a circle that was right next to us. Bella looked at me and raised her eyebrows.

"Go dance, Ella!" Bea screamed and everyone looked at me and made a circle. Someone turned on a song called 'Wiggle' by Jason Derulo. They started screaming 'Dance' and finally I gave up and danced a little. It was a type of sexual and hip hop mixed just to make people happy.

When I stopped I did my cupcake pose and smiled. "You can also see me on stage dancing at the One Direction concerts," and with that I grab Bella and her boyfriends, who I still don't know his name yet, before running before we got attacked. Witch there was girls chasing after us.

When we get to a café and took a seat in a booth. "That was some run," Bella said trying to catch her breath. I just smile, "Easy for me!"

"What's your name?" I ask Bella's boyfriend. " Luke," he tells me. I nod, "Ella or Cinderella or Belles or beans," I tell him. "I like Beans," he says and I laugh.

And that how we spent our morning, getting to know each other. Around noon it was lunch time so we just ordered stuff from the café.

"Hey," I turn my head to see Niall there. "Why do I keep running into you?" I complain and he laughs. "Is this your boyfriend, Ella?" Bella asks. "No," I hit her arm. "I'm Niall, Niall Horan!" He says flipping his hair that was short. "Oh yeah, your in that band correct?" She asks and Niall nods. "Ella can I talk with you for a moment?" Bella asks before dragging me away not even letting me answer.

"Ok, so I really want to see what your life is like. What if we maybe swap places?" Bella asks getting right to the point. "I don't know," I tell her very un for sure. She had her lip out begging. "Please!"

I had a really tough choice figuring this out. "Fine," I give in andher smile widens.

"Good, tonight I have dinner at dad's place! I'll send you the address and wear something nice," she says before starting to take her cloths off. Just so you know, we are in the girls bathroom. "Wait what?" Ask but I was already to late. Her cloths were off and she handed them to me. I sigh getting out if my cloths and took off my make up and did my hair like hers. She did the same except she put makeup on.

When we got back to the table Bella's boyfriend got up and hugged me. "I need to go to work babe, I'll see you tomorrow." With that he pecked my lips and left. I felt uncomfortable and I could tell Bella hated the idea now. To late!

An hour later I was at a book store reading. Bella left with Niall after her boyfriend left and I just walked across the street.

I liked the kiss Luke and I shared. It wasn't how I pictured my first kiss though. Does that count? I wouldn't think so! I hope not, no it can't. It was meant for Arabella not me.

My phone bing's and I look at it.

From: Arabella
On my campus you need to find the main building. Go down that street going north and you will find a big house. Only house there so you can't miss it. Dad wants you there by 4, you have an hour to get there.
Love, Arabella

I sigh in frustration. It would take me 20 minuets to find his house and 20 to get ready. That left 10 minuets to find Arabella's dorm.

When I went back to campus I was walking around when someone tapped me on the shoulder. "I knew you would forget about dinner with dad, we better hurry to get dressed." I see a girl with dark brown hair. Well if you actually looked at it, it was kind of auburn. "Right," she grabbed my hand and I pulled away. She rolled her eyes and walked away. Assuming I should follow, witch I did and found myself in Bella's dorm. I guess they were room mates?

After I picked out a cute high low dress I ruled my hair, did my makeup and put my shoes on.

"Wow, you look nice!" The girl, who I still didn't know the name to, said. "Alyssa is coming to dad's to so we better hurry," hearing Alyssa's name made me think of my friend Alyssa.

When we arrived at my dad's the girl got out of the car and I saw Alyssa. My friend Alyssa, wait! My "sister" knew Alyssa? The girl I dance with?

"Brooke!" She said running and hugging her. Brooke's her name?


Hi! Sorry for the wait. I dunno when the next update is. (A) I cracked my phone screen and that's how I do my updates and I can't see well (B) I'm tired

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