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I woke up not feeling very well. I didn't want to get out of bed at all. "Hey, we are going shopping if you want to join." Alyssa walked out of the bathroom and when she looked at me she looked worried. "Never mind on that invite, you look sick. Are you okay?" "What do you mean," I wondering aloud.

"You look pale, I'm calling Lucy." Minuets later Lucy was sitting on my bed looking at me. "Honestly you look healthy, I think you are just home sick. My moms a nurse so I would know if it was anything serious. Will you be okay if we leave?" She asked me and then looked at Alyssa. "Yeah I'm gonna be fine, I think I'm just going to relax today. I think I deserve it," they both nod.

"Call if you need anything," Alyssa and Lucy then leave the room and I let out a long sigh. Tomorrow we had another concert and then we would be heading to DC. The schedule so far was staying in DC for four days and then leave for LA. Then we would be staying in LA for six days before heading to Texas. I was honestly excited because I had never really traveled in my life so it was different, a good different.

It sucked that I didn't feel that well today because I was hoping to go shopping, so far I hadn't really done much. I needed some new clothes because Monica said my clothes were out of fashion which I totally agreed with.

A knock at the door interrupts my thoughts. I roll out of bed and walk over to the door and open up. There stood Niall. "Hey, Alyssa said you were sick so I thought I would check up on you. You mind if I come in?" I was honestly shocked. "Uh sure," I open the door wider and allow him him. "You look home-sick," he says as he is walking in. "Everyone keeps saying that. What is it?"

Niall chuckles a little bit and I find it cute? "You are missing home, right? That's home-sick. I didn't think you would get it so early on in the tour though, normally I call my mum or dad to feel better." "I can't really call my mom," Niall sat on the couch and I grabbed a blanket since I was cold and sat beside him. "Why not," he asked me. "It's a long story," I say with a laugh.

"I got time," he shrugs. I don't know why but I wanted to tell him about it. Something made me trust him, so I told him. He was different, and I knew I needed someone on tour that I could trust.

"Growing up until I was seven I think it was always my mom, dad, sister, and I. My mom had gave up her dream of dancing to marry my dad and my dad gave up law school for my mom. When they divorced my mom wanted me to live her dream that she never got to live. I wasn't aloud to date or have friends because they would only get in the way of dance. Around a month after my parents divorce was finalized I met my best friend Hannah, and she taught me that this world I was living was not my world that it was my moms. I love dancing, honestly I do, but it was never really my dream. I only ever saw it as a hobby. My mom originally had me audition for this dance group but I didn't get in, that's when Kathryn saw me and I joined you guys. Hannah is the only one that knows I dance for One Direction. I honestly don't miss my mom, if anything I miss Hannah!"

"What would you do if you wasn't dancing?" He asked me after I told him everything. "Honestly, I dong know. I always wanted to be a stay at home mom and a living wife.  I think my dream was to have a family," I tell him honestly. "Was? As in past tense? You can still live your dream, Ella. You are still young and you deserve to find love and have a family!"

I nod understanding what he was saying, he had a point even though I didn't want to admit it out loud. "I think I'm just scared of what my mom will say," I tell him honestly. "What's your story?" I ask him changing the subject.

"I grew up in Ireland with my mum, dad, and brother. I was quite a ladies man when I was younger but not so much now, now I'm just ready to find the one. I had flew to London to try out for x-factor, Simon was the one who put us boys together. I think it was a good choice honestly! One direction is something that will always be apart of me, I want it now and in my future."

"Do you think you are going to find the one," I ask him a bit nervous.

"I think I will."

"I'm glad you joined us, even if you are a dancer. You will get to live your dream. I know you will," Niall tells me after a moments of silence and I believe him.

There was something about Niall, something that made my heart warm.

904 Words

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