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My mom woke me up this morning, she had a huge smile on her face. "Are you ready for the auditions?" I had rolled me eyes and pushed her a little to get away from me. It had gone quiet and I thought she had left, until I opened my eyes and she still stood there fighting with her shirt.

"Mom, I need you to stop controlling my life. I am old enough to take care of myself! Hannah is still my friend and I don't really care if you like it or not." She had left out a loud huff and rolled her eyes. "Also, I'm going to the audition by myself." Before she could protest I continued, "You would be a distraction."

"That's fine, I have things to do anyway." She then stomped out of my room and slammed my door. I hop out of bed and throw on some shorts and my running shoes. I grab my phone and head outside to go on my morning run. After a while of running I had ran back to my house to get ready for the audition.

One shower, and loads of makeup later I was ready. I simply let my hair air dry and put it into a bun, like ballerinas we're suppose to do. The drive to the audition went by far to quickly. So here I was, standing in front of the building. Hannah called minuets before wishing me luck. I make my way inside to the table where we got out audition time and signed in. "Name?"

"Ella Scott," I tell the lady. "Do you have your CD?" She asked and I handed her the disk that had my song on it. "Sign here," she placed the disk inside the folder with all of my dance background and Portfolio pictures. "Room number six will be your dressing room. Call time is one o'clock, don't be late."

I walk away to find room six, it wasn't that hard since my name was also on the door. I began stretching and the practiced the dance over and over until it was twenty till. I got dressed and made my way to the stage.

"Ella Grace Scott!" My name is called and I make my way on to the stage. Butterflies were exploding in my stomach. Eleven women sat in a row waiting for me to dance. Probably hoping to find a twelfth one soon so they don't have to waste anymore of their day.

"I'm Ella, I'm nineteen and I will be dancing to Build A Home." The song begins and I start to dance. I remember all of the instructions Lilly had told me. I had even nailed the part where I kept falling. Everything was perfect, or so I thought. At the end one of the ladies stands up. I walk to the front of the stage. "Ella, we have seen enough. While you are a good dancer, you are just not good enough. I honestly don't even think we need to vote to know that you are just not cut out for this." I left the stage speechless. I honestly didn't know what to think, I wasn't upset over it honestly. I knew I didn't want to be apart of the group, was I feeling relief?

"Wait, you!" I turn around to see a woman running after me. "Are you talking to me?" She nods frantically. "You are a fantastic dancer, honestly one of the best!" She stood there for a moment trying to catch her breath. "Er thanks," I was caught off guard. Who was this lady? "I work for a band and they need a backup dancer. One of the girls broke her leg and can't continue. The pay is very well! They are on tour now so it would be a jump right in," I got confused suddenly.

"Wait, are you asking me to be a back up dancer?" She nods and bites her lip hopping my answer is yes. "We are traveling the world, it's a great band. The boys are so nice! We are offering almost five thousand a show," I could almost faint. Was this a dream? "We do at least 3 shows a week, sometimes more." I don't even hesitate to think about it, "I would love too!" Her eyes light up. "That's perfect! I'll get your number and text all the details to you tonight. We leave tomorrow from the airport so you should probably pack tonight. At your first show I'll have a contract for you to sign, nothing big just saying you agree to dance for us and we pay you for each show the amount said and you can back out at any time. I will have someone pick you up tomorrow, just text me your address." She hands me her phone and I insert my number and name. "Sweet, I look forward to seeing you Ella!" She says with a smile and then walks away.

"How did it go?" My mom asked me once I got home. "It went good. They will have someone pick me up from the house tomorrow and we leave!" I tell her, it was a full lie just half a truth. "I knew you would make Twelve Dancers! It fits you," she had the biggest smile on her face. "I'm excited for this next chapter in my life," I was honest that time because I truly was ready. 

That night my mom went shopping with me to get outfits and the necessities that I would need while I was away from home. She had also given me money until my first paycheck came in from "Twelve Dancers". This was honestly the biggest lie I had ever told my mom. Then we had dinner with my grandparents and all my mom did was brag. I felt bad about lying, especially to my grandparents, but I was already this far. After my grandparents left my mom went to bed and I packed.

While I packed I FaceTimed Hannah. "You dance for a boy band now?" She asks with a hint of laughter. "It's better than the Twelve Dancers and beats staying home." "That's true, I'll miss you though!" She looked sad yet happy, "I'm gonna miss you too. But I promise to visit and get you tickets to visit me." Suddenly I get a text from the lady asking for my address. "Her name is Kathryn, do you know of any boy bands that has a manager named Kathryn?" Hannah shakes her head, "I'm not that good hun." I texted her my address and plugged my phone in. "Text me tomorrow when you land, okay?" I smile at Hannah and nod. "I'll keep you updated." She blows a kiss and then hangs up. After Hannah hung up I FaceTimed Arabella and told her everything. I also apologized for the other day. "I know you didn't mean it, you are my sister after all. You have a safe flight, I'll FaceTime you later. I am meeting up with my boyfriend," I wave goodbye and hang up. I had finally finished packing and it was time for me to get some sleep. I hope the band will like me.

"Wake up, Ella!" My mom shook me awake early that morning. I went for my morning run and took a shower. After I showered and got dressed I heard a honk. It was time, I was ready to begin my new adventure. I grab my bags and kiss my mom farewell. "Call when you arrive," my mom tells me. "I will, bye!" I carry my things out when a guy with black skinny jeans, brown boots, white shirt, American bandana, brown curly hair, and green eyes grabs my bags. He wasn't bad looking honestly.

"I'm Harry, I guessing your the new dancer?" I nod my head, he opens my door for me and then he gets in. "I'm Ella, are you a dancer?" I ask while he drives to the airport. He chuckles, "No, I'm apart of the band. You know, One Direction! Your our new back up dancer," He tells me. "Well, Ella, welcome to One Direction! Our first flight will be to New York City. I have your plane ticket." After arriving at the airport we go through security and walk to our gate. There were four girls and five guys that walked up to Harry. "Hey guys, welcome our new dancer Ella! Ella this is Lucy, Monica, Alyssa, Britney, Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn." Harry tells me pointing at everyone.

That's when I see him, from the club! Niall, I think his name was. No, that can't be!

1450 Words

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