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Getting on the plane I didn't know where I was suppose to sit. I look at my plane ticket and look up to see a dark skinned girl, Alyssa I think, wave me over. I walk over and see my assigned seat was next to her. "Hi, I'm Alyssa," She says. "I'm Ella!" I take my seat next to her. "You love dancing?" I ask her. "Yeah, I feel like it takes my breathe away every time!" I nod agreeing with her.

"So, do you mind telling me about everyone?" I ask her and with a smile she answers. "That's Britney, she has to always be the spot light. Super rude, and if I was you I would just avoid her. Harry and her and sex buddies so if they disappear you know where they are. Lucy is a very nice girl, she's very sweet but also very shy. Her parents kicked her out and she found herself here dancing! Liam and her are really good friends, they grew up together and he offered her this job. Monica is very mysterious, she keeps to herself. The only time you see her is during a performance or when we are leaving. Then there's me, Alyssa! I would love to know more about you though."

"I am nineteen, my birthday is in like a month. I have danced since I was three. I think that's it, I'm not really interesting," I tell her with a laugh. "Well I can't wait to get to know you more." Alyssa then pulls out her book and starts reading. I use this time to catch up on my sleep.

Twenty-four hours later we had arrive in New York and I had jet lag. I slept most of the flight but I knew it was going to mess me up sooner or later. The dancers had grabbed our bags and loaded up into a limo outside of the airport. We were getting our bus at the end of this week. When we arrived at the hotel Kathryn went around handing out room assignments. We had six rooms total all on the same floor, and I had been roomed with Alyssa.

Once I got my room key I went straight up to the room. The rest of the girls left to do their own thing. "Mind if I ride with you up to the 4th floor?" Niall asks and I move aside to let him in. "Your quiet," He tells me and I just stare at the red numbers in the elevator waiting for that 2 to turn to 3 and then 4. "I know," I say finally giving in as the 2 turned to 3. Soon the elevator dings and the doors open.

We go our separate ways and I begin to find my room. When I find 409 I open the door to see a pretty nice room. I set my bag on the bed Next to the window. Then I open my bag and pull out a t-shirt and sweats to change. I finally sit on the couch in the room and FaceTime Hannah. "Hey Belles!" She has a bright smile on her face. "Hey, I'm in New York!" "You're in New York and you aren't adventuring?" Hannah laughs a little. "I have a bit of jet lag, I will tomorrow though. And I'll send pictures," I tell her. "You look tired, how has it been so far?"

"It's been good, I've met everyone. The band I'm dancing for is One Direction," Hannah's eyes how wide. "One Direction?" I nod my head clearly oblivious. "They are big Ella, like big big! One of the members, Louis, is so hot! Like have you seen him?" I begin laughing, "Yeah I met him, I'll make sure to mention my hot friend." Hannah blushes and looks away. "The guy at the bar I told you about, you remember him?" She nods her head, her attention is back on me. "It was Niall," her mouth falls open.

"It's a sign," I shake my head with a smile. "Absolutely not!" Her smile fade away after a while. "I'll let you get some sleep. Call me tomorrow, okay?" I nod my head agreeing with her. "You know I will," I blow her a kiss and hang up. Instead of calling me mom I sent her a simple text.

Ella: I landed in New York. I'm getting some sleep because of jet lag, practice starts tomorrow. Love you
Mom: That's great hun! Practice hard.

That was it? I roll my eyes and plug in my phone. I grab some sleeping pills out of my suit case and begin searching for water. Water, water, where is some water in this fridge. There is none, great! I turn on the sink and I sip some water then take the pills. I grab the TV remote on my way to bed and turn it on.

I had never really watched TV before, my mom never bought one. She would tell me that dance was more important, so the only time I would watch tv was at Hannah's house. It felt nice getting to relax. It was different but I enjoyed it. I suddenly had this freedom that I never had before and it was something I needed in life. There was no way I was going to be able to live with my mom again after this.

The thing was, I couldn't keep lying to my mom. It was only a matter of time before she found out. I just prayed it was later, far later.

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