Chapter 43

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{Dance away}

{Chapter 43}

I unpack the last box while Niall was away at an interview with the boys. Hannah had helped me the past week when she got back, we painted and decorated and unpacked.

We both collapse onto the couch. "What time are the boys coming back?" Hannah asks me.

"Should be here in 2 hours or so," I tell her. "Good, cause' we are going to take a very long much needed nap." I nod agreeing and we both lay on each other with the TV playing softly in the background.

"Ella!!! Ella Belles!" I open my eyes slowly to see Niall and the rest of the boys looking at me. I feel someone laying on my shoulder. "You going to wake up, babe?" He asks me and I nod.

I sit up and I feel Hannah stir and sit up as well. "We finished packing," I tell Niall as I get up. "You did, did you?" He asks and I nod.

"Are we having this cook out or what?" Louis asks and I just chuckle. "Yep, how about you boys go out and start grilling and me and Hannah will start the food in here." They nod and go outside. Me and Hannah go to the kitchen and start getting out the things we need.

"You should see if Perrie is busy," Hannah says and I shrug. "Not a bad idea, text her for me?" Hannah nods and gets my phone. She types really fast then sets my phone down.

"It's been weird finally being able to go to my house. Like I'm not use to it and then when I come back I was honestly scared at first!" She says and I laugh a little.

"You should move closer, or ask Louis to move in with you so you don't feel as lonely." I tell her and she shrugs.

"I dunno, we're friends n' all but I love being able to walk around without pants on!" She says and I just laugh.

She joins in, "Your so weird!" I tell her and she nods agreeing.


Sorry this update was short and very late!!! Super sorry!

Only 7 more updates left, I'm super excited to start the next book! :)



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