"I wasn't the one with the gun, smartass," I snapped back. EunHo didn't get mad. He stayed calm. And that was scarier. The other guy in the elevator snickered. I frowned. "What-What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, oops, he didn't tell you? Jungkook didn't tell you about it?"

"Tell me about what?"

"Oh he didn't- maybe I'm supposed to keep this a secret," EunHo said with mock surprise. His expression quickly turned into a dirty grin really fast and he spoke again. "But this secret is much too good to keep quiet. Maybe I'll tell you this time."

"Tell me what?"

"Your legacy. You have a secret power."

I scoffed. "Is this really the time to say shit like that?" I asked angrily. EunHo's grin turned serious. "I'm not joking," he said. "I really mean it." I frowned. "What-"

"Your family has a secret that goes way back to the dark ages," he said. "And throughout the years, the trait has been passed down through a mark. You have it on your hip."

I frowned and touched my hip. I'd forgotten I had that mark. But... it's just a birthmark. I thought. EunHo continued. "You have healing tears. When you cry, your tears, if dropped on a wound, will heal that wound."

I shook my head. "You're crazy," I muttered. "I'm not in the mood for your stupid games. Did you actually think I'd believe that?" EunHo laughed. "I'll prove it," he muttered. He beckoned for the other man in the elevator to come closer. "Hold your arm out," he said. I turned the elevator off before the doors could open.

The man held his arm out and EunHo pulled out his knife. I saw the way the man almost flinched. EunHo dragged the knife down the man's arm and blood began to spill to the floor. The sight of the skin slicing open was disgusting. I tried not to throw up. It looked pretty bad.

"Your turn," EunHo said, turning to me. I frowned. "I'm not giving you tears to prove a stupid made-up point," I said. EunHo rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm. He dragged the knife down my forearm and the pain made my eyes water. "O-ow, stop that!" I cried. Tears made their way down my cheeks and EunHo let my arm go, then pulled the other man's arm right under my chin.

My tears landed on the wound.

And it closed up.

My eyes widened. "N-no," I stuttered. My arm hurt really bad. "If-If this is true then why have I never been able to heal myself?" I asked. "How have I never figured this out?"

"You can't heal yourself. Only others," EunHo said. I shook my head. "Th-that's crazy!" I pulled my jacket off, ignoring the pain in my arm, and wrapped it tightly around the wound. It started to sting worse, but there was nothing I could do about that.

But I had just watched my tears heal a man. Something I never knew I could do. And Jungkook knew it all along.

End Flashback

"Taehyung I'm so sorry," Jungkook said. I blinked away my tears and turned to glare at him. I couldn't. I couldn't keep my glare. Jungkook's eyes were filled with tears and though he did not shed them, he looked so sad and regretful. I couldn't glare at him or keep a straight face.

"I-I know this is a really stupid question to ask but even though I've been keeping something like this from you, is this g-going to break what we have?"

It was a very stupid question. And yes it was simple. But I burst into tears again. I didn't want to leave Kook. Normal people would have but I couldn't. Of course the secret wasn't going to break us. I wouldn't give him up for anything. That didn't necessarily mean I wasn't pissed though.

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