The Devil's Fumes

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"Do not be afraid; our fate Cannot be taken from us; it is a gift."

-Dante Alighieri

     It's the worst it's ever been for me. It's never going to get any better! It's never going to be the same again. I should start somewhere. Let me start at the beginning when it all began to go wrong for me. I must warn you, to go back into the past can be dangerous. However, to reveal the details described herein, we must go back ten to fifteen years ago. Let's overview the events of The Hambston Estate in 1966. The witch seances frightened me as a boy there. At first, I was scared, but then I became desensitized to the fear I should've been feeling. I was introduced to a fellow by the name of Milton. He led me to believe that it was okay to engage in the activity of the witch seances. He ensured me that I was safe, that I could trust him. I went into a back room where others were sitting around in a circle. One lady came up to me and offered me her breast, then she stuck out her tongue and proceeded to take my hand and sit me down in the ring. Milton was by my side when he announced that I was to be next. Milton spoke to the others that night, saying, "Now we crown a newcomer into our circle of witches." It was a special night for me. "Here is Oardrek," said Milton. Of course. It was windy out, but the candles were still burning bright, and the way the others perceived me gave me no indication of my welcome. A man who sat in a dirty suit said to me, "Do you want to live or die?" "Plead with this illusion no more," said Milton, "Oardrek fear not, you are with us now. We shall make you one of us, to live in the ecstasy of all you wish to be." I was flabbergasted and now wanted to leave. I got up and a tall lady dressed in black grabbed me by the wrist and sat me back down. "Who are you?" I asked her. "I'm Madam Fontenay." "Fontenay," I said. I really couldn't make out her face. "We are old witches and you have come to feed your curiosity," the witches spoke, all together. Then she passed a lantern towards me and Milton gave me a chalice to drink - it was lamb's blood, I was told. We started chanting and I began to give in and had a smile on my face. I didn't want this. The words did not conjure up anything of understanding. I was somehow confounded by fear. "Oardrek you are here to thee a transcendent of satan. And we shall give you the spiritual awakening you crave. Be with us Oardrek and be in fear no more." I started seizing up and convulsing. They stripped off my clothes and tied me to the table. Then the chanting became more audible as something was poured on my arm. I found out later from Milton that it was the blood of a virgin. I was to be cleansed of the devil and washed clean of my sin. They outstretched my arm then and licked the blood off my flesh. I looked around the darkened room now and could only see stares back at me, eyes red. I had been sober, but in that moment almost comatose, but somehow wasn't. I ended by hearing the demonic cries entering my soul.

     I shouldn't even have been in that situation. 

     The blood was smeared all over my chest, and Madam Fontenay had taken a decapitated head of a goat and sawed the tops of the horns off, filling them with virgin's blood, and then poured that over my stomach. Milton stabbed me in the chest while the other witches chanted. Some of them, the one who seduced me, became inhuman, partaking in demonic-like dancing nude, grabbing her ears and flicking them incessantly while they used my body to lick the blood off of. There was nothing I could do. I screamed for help even though my hands were tied down. And then the guy in the dirty suit said, "Be with Satan my child; drink the blood of the virgin." Madam Fontenay went down on me and licked blood off my penis. In a state of shock I realized I was being drained of life. It was quiet for ten minutes, and then the room cleared out. I was left on the table, bleeding. Then to my complete surprise and horror a goat entered and sat down beside me. The animal was grotesque and smelled of rotting flesh. Maggots could be seen crawling out of the animal's ears and nostrils. The goat leaned over and stuck out its tongue and licked my body. Then Madam Fontenay walked in wearing red leather pants and put a red light in the fixture above. The candles were blown out, and Milton came in wearing a clown custom. The goat stood up and began to sing Bob Dylan's 'Blowin' in the Wind'. 

     There was never any help or support for me, no one to help me. I realized years later that my body had been sawed up and fed to goats at a local Hambston Farm. The goat redeemed my spirit, and I became immortal through Satan's love. That's how I became Oardrek, from years and years of systematic torture and torment. All my tormentors eventually freed me from the hell I was living. It was their cruelty that freed me from the deception, lies, and false prophecy. Now I vanquished in the delights of the occult. 

     One day in the spring, I was walking along the road of Hambston Ridge, up there by the chestnut factories where they were slaughtering goats. I was told I could hitch a ride up a ways to buy a custom wig for a project I was working on for school. These things are always for school. I never made it. The car hit something in the road and flipped into a ditch. I died that day. So whatever happened to me after that is unknown. This was before The Hambston events that took place at 56 Hadgger Way. I should be dead, however, and it explains why I was slaughtered and humiliated like I was by my abusers. They freed me from a life of misery. For that I thank them.

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