The Barf Gang

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Okay, everyone settle down. I'm Gretta. Welcome to AA. Listen, I know it was hard for you guys to come here. I'm very proud of you all. This is not your typical AA meeting, okay? We have chips and dip over there in the corner by the monkey in the cage, that's Barfly, he is friendly don't worry. Like the song, don't worry be happy. Listen, guys I know what your going through, I was there myself, a strong out mother of nine. Okay, look, there was a time when I was going through a divorce and I thought the world was closing in on me. I know, look, I was there, I was, trust me. I thought I was going to die alone, I thought I was never going to marry again. Alright, I'm here to tell you it's not that bad. Okay, by a show of hands, who's biggest fear is to be the lonely guy? That lonely miserable wretch that thinks his greatest fear is to die alone. Okay, maybe that is too harsh of a question. Okay, any of you folks from Seattle? By a show of hands, whooooo! Go Seahawks. Okay, guys I know sometimes life gives you lemons, but what do you do? You make lemonade, right. We are the future of tomorrow, if you guys resort to the bottle every time you can't do something, what does that tell you about yourself? I tell you what it tells you about yourself, that you are incapable, and rotten to the core, and give up too easily. Now is that what the monkey wants? Look at that guy, of course, not. Here monkey, oh Barfly, (unlocks door and picks up Barfly) oh cutie, you are adorable. Look guys, I'm going to pass Barfly around and each and everyone of you are going to pet him, he is nice, don't worry, we are here to get over our fears. Hi, you first, whats your name? Jason, I'm an alcoholic. Well, not anymore Jason, this is Barfly. You can hold him. She puts the monkey on his lap. Oh, wow! This is really cool, this is so cool Gretta. Okay, okay, enough! Pass the monkey to the next guy. What's your name? My name is Ricky. I'm scared to hold the monkey lady. The monkey gets mad and runs across the floor. It gets some bananas and runs back to Ricky to offer it to him. Yes, guys this is a smart monkey. We got it on loan from the Science Lab. Okay, thank you for coming, and I'll see you all next week. The ladies and gentlemen file out of the room, some wondering what that was all about. After the people leave, Gretta takes a bottle of whiskey out of the grey locker by the wall and shows it to the monkey. You like a drink? The monkey grins and runs back to its corner and sits in the cage. I know what you must think of me monkey, I'm a horrible mother. I try to be the best I can be, and set a good example and this happens to me. My peace is driven from me. My harmony is broken up and my sense of peace is lost. What happened to my peace of mind monkey, where did it go? Life is beautiful, we are beautiful. Why won't my husband smile? Why won't he just laugh, just once? I have never seen the man smile, it depresses me. Gretta got up out of the chair, and turned the lights out, but not before trying to kiss Barfly goodnight. He wouldn't allow it. Okay, okay, monkey, you hate me too, okay. Goodnight.

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