The Manchester Creature

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This is a story about a zombie that came back to life and ate me. I'm telling it six months after I was put in front of a firing squad. I detest my innocence and the facts presented to me in this case are false.
     I don't want to scare anyone, but what happened to me at a sleepover at my friend's house is true. Okay, you believe what you want, but I saw it with my own eyes.
     I don't know how I managed to get stung by multiple bees. I fell and a nail poked out my eye I recall several bees stinging me until I was dead. Now do you believe me? How could this be? I was alone. I know the hive was disturbed and out of nowhere came a swarm at me. What was I to do. I only had one option and only one logical choice. Did I say just now I only had one option? I meant I had many options, however, stumbled upon the wrong one. On that afternoon in the wide grassy field, I couldn't see anything. Of course, it was in the fall around the time all the leaves turn pretty colors.
     Immediately preceding the point of entry, there was a faint odor that had retained to some great affect an amazing mask of the original smell. It took an enormous time to clear it, yet the safety of Lieutenant Gable and the gang flung the door open. In the back lab was a peacock. To the lieutenant's surprise, the peculiar peacock was being used in one of the experiments. Wine and bread was offered and this had an astounding effect on the crew, lifting their depressed spirits. The way the air flow blew in from the windows rehydrated our dried-up souls. The once-neutral Arizona day was radiating. The desert seemed more alive than us. Mental screams came from the Mat labs where these experiments went wrong.
     At the tender age of sixteen, she was already a vampire and the government had captured her and conducted a series of experiments on her and others like her. They were made to act like peacocks and other birds. Sometimes birds of prey from the untamed islands of the coast of Venezuela where introduced into the experiment too. They took on the semblance of these birds, too. However, to combat these circumstances, burn stations were installed, which, on one occasion, caused a lab to catch fire. The Doctor escaped, by the way, who was simply known as 'The Doctor'. He was unable to control the birds and was eventually picked up by one, who bit off his head and gutted his insides mid-flight.
     The large man-sized birds quickly adapted and took on human characteristics. They were known later as the 'Vampires of the Night'.
     By the time a pumper went down 5th ave of an ole town in the West Hills, all the characters in this story turned into trans vampires and ended up sucking everyone's blood by a hopeless food shelter near a Christian church. Yes, there were screams, there were wails, and there were cries. Life caused them all to eventually go insane and, over time, the world and everyone in it decayed until finally there was just ash. Dirt and ash.

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