The Path Leading To China

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In the dead of summer, you could smell the blood.
       He hated Groombalt and her little sidekick, Nicky Featherbeam. She had always knocked him over in the kitchen, sometimes tripping him. Knight got up one time, saying she should eat more food so she could implode. It was later discovered she had fallen out the third story kitchen window. Her body was being eaten by a wolf when they found her.
     You could hear the floor boards creaking as Helen Groombalt walked slowly up, checking to make sure the boys in the orphanage were asleep. Most of the boys were, but not Jack Knight, a boy who would grow up to be a hero in China, a leader to his people, the Clowns Of Sound, a group of thugs operating in China in the early 1900s.
     Years would pass, and Knight would eventually leave the rancid orphanage.
     Maggie, Puncho, and Drexler Nightingale were his family now, but they would soon disappear. Not much is known of the three, except they all had it in for blood lust. It was said Maggie and Drexler got hit by a train while trying to cross the tracks.
     By the time Knight was 15, he and his travelling companion Puncho, his last known acquaintance from St. Mathews orphanage, had smuggled themselves for many years from country to country, passing on ships as chore boys. They visited places like Thailand, Portugal, and Spain. He learned the languages and picked up certain martial art skills.
     He ended up in China. Got to a primitive territory there where he settled and became great friends with the Uzeculect tribe, a tribe that wouldn't accept Puncho as he was considered the devil incarnate to them. He was later adopted into a holy family who found him close to dead on the side of the road; Knight never saw him or spoke of him again. Instead, Knight met one friend in particular, Little Toe. A tall old skinny Chinaman about the age of 64, slow, but he could throw a spear fast. He studied with this tribe for 20 years, and by the time he was 35 he had acquired excellent hunting skills.
     Knight went on to become known as "Staticman" warding off the zombie outbreak that took over China once the government found a way to clone a dead patient.
     Prorocter Perracter stepped in at 9:44 am Hong Kong time and made a statement that lethal force would be used if the riots there continued. Jack and his gang had fled to a warehouse where he assembled his members.
     It was 12:12 now and a man with a protestor sign walked by the gang chanting:
                          I have an idea that will revolutionize the way we think about war. I have a new tank design and I want you to join me in the fight for our freedom and liberty.
     There was a marching band behind him and members of the band were holding up a banner, which said, "Fight for your country." The sounds of the street were getting louder. Jack and his thugs walked on, wearing dark clothes and pushing people out of the way. One man of his gang, who they simply referred to as "Broken Tooth," had knocked a guy out for no reason other than he made a comment about his shoe laces being untied. The guy got up, a chunky guy as well, and the two duked it out. They would have tumbled around on the pavement for hours, but they heard whistles being blown at them and it had started to rain. Many street vendors were rushing to close up their carts, when out of nowhere came a guy running out of a drug store, yelling, "I'm a zombie! I must feed on human flesh." The guy was not paying attention and tripped over the various fruits on the ground, apples and mangos and the like. When he tried to get up, he noticed a big gash on his right ankle. A member of Jack's gang helped him up, it was Broken Tooth. As he helped the wild man to his feet, the drugged out man gave him a sinister look before biting down into his arm. Then Broken Tooth hurled him over a cart and onto some wet newspapers. The crazed lunatic ran off down an alley and when the Chinese officials arrived blowing their whistles at the man, Broken Tooth and the person he had just gotten into a fight with had conjointly pointed their fingers at the self-proclaimed madman.
     Then out of the rain, riding a bike up the street was a tall slender white Chinese woman named China.

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