The Tele County Werewolf

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FAR, yet over a hill, that was the best place for him. There, the large werewolf crept out of the woods as he pleased, and blood was most likely dripping from his fangs.
     I was unaware of what I was looking at. My God! It was immense. I saw it once before as a child, Morphy Scotts: for the life of me, I tried to call him, but his phone always went to voicemail... and then, one day, he picks up. I told him about the creature, so he drove up to Tele County.
     The coffee in the cup on the kitchen counter was cold. There was a T.V. on in the living room where Lucy was watching her program, a Jeopardy gameshow she had taped. "Alex Trebek," She was mumbling, saying how handsome he looked. Pie, on her to do list: Do I want blueberry pie? Should I make a huckleberry pie? It wasn't so much a question of her baking skills as it was what to bake according to what mood she was in.
     The bathroom was a refuge for me. I stood shaving my beard, looking out from the doorway. "Lucy," I said, "I will be gone for a few days."
     "Everything all right?" Lucy asks.
     "Yes." Then there was a knock at the front door. It was Morphy. He had grown into a man. "My... oh my..."
"Hey, what's up?" Morphy asked, walking towards me, wearing hippie tinted aviator shades, "Twenty years older, but you look like the same Guy." I wanted to tell him about the werewolf. "Morphy, it came back, the wolf from our childhood. It seems stronger than ever."
     "Are you serious?" Morphy asked, spitting on the sidewalk, "I thought it was gone."
     "I've never been this serious in my life. I was hiking around Tele County last afternoon when it glanced at me from a distance."
     "What are you talking man, how far?" We were in the hall by the front door when Lucy called out. "Do you think you guys are loud enough? I'm trying to watch Jeopardy here... shut up! or get out!"
     "Lucy, we were just leaving, just try to relax." I said.
It started to rain outside, so I gave my friend something to wear besides his short sleeved shirt. "Here, Morphy," I said, handing him my grandfather's favorite green golfing sweatshirt, "Put this on."
     "Gee, thanks, Guy, I guess some things never change, do they?" We both laughed at that. Then we got into the old Lincoin Continental, and I had Morphy drive us to where the last sighting occurred: where I saw that ghastly thing. "Here, stop the car!" I said, this was the same spot, "I was standing about one hundred yards when I saw it from this spot."
"Are you sure?"
     "Yeah, I'm fucking sure, Morph, this time I'm sure."
     "Alright man, I got your back. Let's find this thing and send it back to hell where it belongs."
     We drove for twenty-eight miles before stopping on the side of the road again. I had to take a leak. When I got out of the car, the rain was clearing, and there was a rainbow forming, and we could now see better through the vista of trees at the many rooftops of the houses in the village surrounded by mountains. Many of them were old, and white pastiche houses bunched together in one place.
We both knew werewolves were fictional, but I kept trying to convince Morphy that what I saw was not fake.
     A truck soon pulled by us. There was a man driving real slow. He looked over at us after stopping, and then the blue Chevy pick up drove off. "You know that guy?" Morphy asked, "Tele County sure has got a whole new batch of weirdo old men living in it now."
     "You aren't lying. Come on, Morphy." Then we heard a noise in the bushes. A branch broke. So we investigated, nothing but a fallen branch. Then we looked a little further and could see something glowing in the woods. "What is it, Guy?"
     "I don't know but be careful." The light turned out to be nothing more than a sun beam reflecting off a rain puddle. Shortly after realizing this, a tree branch snapped, falling to the earth, almost hitting my good friend. "Look out! Morphy!" I ran out and tackled my old friend, dodging the danger myself and knocking him out of the way from the perilous limb. Other than the raindrops dripping from the summer leaves that day, from time to time, that is all the noise we would hear, the rotting and dying tree branches falling.
When we got back to the Lincoin, the word, "wolf" was smeared in blood on the driver's side window. We were both unsure what to think of it. Then we saw the blue Chevy parked alongside the road. We walked up to it... and then Morphy and I saw the horror. Bloody blue jeans. We investigated a little further and saw down the slope by the creek the old man: his heart being devoured by the werewolf. Since the thing which was eating the old man had its back turned to us, we walked away slowly, then we ran to the car like uncourageous babies. I tried to start it. "Come on, Guy! Start the fucking thing."
     "It won't fucking start... it won't start."
     "It's coming... it's right behind​ us... now! Now! Start it! Quick!" Morphy said, constantly looking over his shoulder to see how much time we had left. "Finally, let's go." The car did finally start up, and I got us the fuck out of there. Behind us, the werewolf was ten feet. I glanced at the speedometer, and it indicated we were traveling close to seventy miles per hour. Then the deformed beast gave up and slowly walked back into the woods. That was the last we saw of it.

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