Dinner with the Family

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I felt pushed around by all of the warm bodies. I couldn't believe how damp the air was in there. There were paintings that disgusted me and made me feel like I was still in Ms. Farrow's class.
     The exhibition was a bad idea. I got embarrassed over something silly. One day, at the farmhouse; it had been close to the Londald's farm, where Jim Hock made me wish I had learned to swim. I hated Ms. Ryan always yelling at me for not getting in the water. That was one strange summer.
     We all went to Jen Myer's house later that day for dinner. "Girl, eat your green beans," Mr. Baldsley said, "Food is expensive." 
     Bill Baldsley knew folks at the Londald's farm. I'm not sure how, but he did. I didn't know how he got so rich, but I'm clueless on a lot of things. Back to my story. My friend Nancy Cook was there, seated across from Billy Jr., who was flinging the mashed potatoes at Eva. Maybe it was for fun, but it was mean. "Marlene, why don't you come sit by me?" I said. I wanted to tell her I wasn't interested in sitting next to Nick.
     There was a loud bang at the far end of the table. Larry Whiskers broke something. It was a gift from Jen's friend Heather. The tea cup was Jen's favorite. I'm not sure why she always set it out on the table and put sugar in it, but she did.
     Think of a plane in a tailspin; that's how things were going. Billy Jr. was crying out, "I want to go to the carnival," and Jill Brooks was stabbing her food with her fork. Mr. Baldsley tried to calm everybody down. "All right, carnival tomorrow." I couldn't believe how Mr. Baldsley gave into Billy Jr's. demands just like that.
     Last week, Susan, Bill's wife was here knitting a dress. She was making it for Jim's daughter. Rose was telling Mr. Baldsley that Kayla will grow up to be a fine person. "Let's hope she doesn't get in a controlling relationship with boys," she said. "Don't give up your name and don't let them tell you what to wear. You are your own person."
     Gary Willis came in and sat down next to Nick Jones. Those two were always close. Still, I had to listen to Nancy, this obnoxious little brat. What I wanted to do was kiss him on his cheek.
     Nancy was annoying the hell out of me with her singing. Mr. Baldsley was getting agitated too. Billy Jr. was taking up his mashed potatoes and using his spoon as a catapult, hitting Priscilla in her nose. Did I mention Priscilla? She was a schoolteacher subbing in for Mrs. Ryans. "Billy!" Jill yelled. Larry just giggled. I thought Jen was laughing too, but she had cried. "My dinner party," Jill said, "My precious dinner party!"
     Mr. Baldsley climbed on the table trying to grab Billy's arm, pointing his finger. He leaned too far and almost knocked Jen over. She fell back in her chair, pulling the tablecloth down with her. All of the dinner plates and everything on the table went; not what one expects, but we managed. Mr. Baldsley lost his balance and tumbled off the table. It was a disaster.
     Pam entered the room. She sat down by Gary. Later, they tried to make everything "presentable" again. "Why, girl, you look so nice," Pam said, "I bet you have all the men staring."
     "Thank you, Pam. As you can see, we all started without you.”
     "Oh, that's okay, girlfriend. Just pass me the bread and butter. That'll be fine," Pam exclaimed, "I had a steak on my way over. My belly is full."
     "Gary Willis, how are you dear?"
     “I'm good."
     "Nick Jones, I saw you a week ago, and you still look fit.”
     A chuckle was let out by Nick and I was trying not to laugh.
     "I have been trying to keep fit."
     "Oh, you look good enough, dear."
     After dinner, we all cleared out and Pam stayed behind to clear the table with the maid.

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