The Illusions of Rebecca Reynolds

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Illusion is the first of all pleasures


My name is Vincent Vodesky. A lot of folks here get it wrong all the time, it's okay. I'm only 26 years old. I dropped out of med school for my passion, which is exploring the paranormal. I believe that there is... Well, I'm a believer, let's just leave it at that.
I need to tell you something. When I look into her eyes and I see myself... Oh, yeah! Who? You ask? Rebecca Reynolds, Rachel Reynolds' sister. Remember the Loundald's farm, remember the lightning hitting it? Yeah. That's the girl. She is crazy and I see her in my dreams. The dreams are too graphic. I need to get a glass of sparkling water to calm my nerves.
The place was Lemont, Illinois. It was 1961. Frank and Melissa arrive. The house looks condemned. However, there is a positive side to it - a pair of thin, ghostly looking figures standing outside on the sidewalk leading up to it. Their gaunt appearance is enough to give anyone chills for weeks. The Vodesky family pulls up in an old station wagon, similar to that in the 1982 film 'Poltergeist.' The family, led by a handsome but unstable father, steps out of the car. Melissa looks at Frank and says, "For fuck's sake Frank, it's starting to rain." Vincent gets out of the car holding his puppy, 'Detox.'
A light appears and soon lightning hits the figures walking closer to the family. Unbeknownst to them, only Vincent can see them. He cries out, screaming as he starts to be dragged over to them by a long arm grabbing him by the neck and yanking him out. The parents don't seem to realize the events as they are unfolding. Now the man looks into Vincent's eyes and says, "You're coming with us Satan's child." The woman has been turned into a skeleton. Frank walks by them. "Honey," he calls out, "this is fantastic! A new start for us all."
Melissa starts hearing noises from the basement, and claims to see her father in the bathroom mirror. The figure in the mirror says, "You're not a girl, girls play with dolls." A noise is heard in the room during the night. It is still pouring down. Vincent sees a large man standing in the entrance hall. He is wearing a black hoodie. No one seems to understand. Then the kitchen lights start to flicker. It is Vincent's dead parents. Vincent runs around the house but can't find anything that gives the impression of a healthy family living with him. Instead, there are windows breaking due to the rainstorm outside. He runs outside after seeing someone in a black cloak running out the back door. He turns around, his face is of a green walnut color. He is holding a green bottle and he has a big grin on his face. Vincent turns the light off, but he is gone. Vanished, gone somewhere outside in the rain. He looks yonder and sees an old wooden swing by a little cottage. Vincent is suddenly being walked into the bedroom by his mother, a walking corpse. She leads him up the stairs. No! No! No! A door opens upstairs and Vincent can see all the people in his life floating around the room. He is kicked in by his skeletal father. Vincent tries to escape, but the door slams behind him. The handle is red hot, and after Vincent tries to grab it a violent demonic force jolts him across the floor. He turns and looks out in the yard, he can see Melissa holding her head. The rain has stopped. Then Melissa says, "I love you son! Don't you know I love you?" Vincent jumps into the bathroom mirror, where all his memories lived, where all the people in his life were sucked into. There was an echo. And then suddenly... Nothing! Nothing! Vincent wakes up in a room and is offered a glass of water by a nurse.
The nurse asks him if he is alright. After a short sigh of relief, he looks at his watch and races home. The nurse runs after him, but it is too late. Vincent hops on a dirt bike and pops a wheelie as he leaves. When he returns to his house it is a normal-looking house, but when he goes inside he finds that his parents are different parents albeit with the same names. They know his name and treat him with such kindness and compassion. "My puppy, Detox!" Vincent cries out as Frank asks him if he likes dog soup. "Do you think we give a rat's ass? Who do you think we are boy?" The house starts to shake. Vincent is led upstairs and is thrown out of a second floor window to his death by a demonic force of evil.

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