Puppet Memories

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In a small, quiet house in Vermont, Vicky Monrose gave birth to a child one night in 1969. That child was Cassie Brooks, who was born out of wedlock and never knew her father, Bernard Greaser.

Fast forward to 1982. "Is anyone there?" Richard called out, his voice filled with uncertainty. "Cassie?" he continued, hoping for a response. As Richard leaned in to open the door, it unexpectedly slammed shut from the inside.

Then he fell to the floor, overwhelmed by symptoms of malaria. A flashback occurred to the donkey ranch he attended in 1954, where they sang around the corral. The next day he learned of one of the goats mysteriously being slaughtered and its entrails strewn all over the inside of a shed. Now, in the doctor's office, he couldn't shake this memory, and there was a small donkey with a peppermint candy cane collar around its neck. The leash was connected to it, but it was roaming freely in the waiting room. He couldn't stand the sight of the donkey. Everyone in that room appeared placid and in tune with the situation, laughing and making jokes, but in his mind, buildings were being blown away by tanks outside, mothers were crying out for their lost children, and men were screaming, "Somebody help us, please!"

It was a long drive home that afternoon. When Richard got home, he saw Cassie standing at the foot of the stairs in her pink PJs, with her hair flung over her eyes, looking like something out of that Grudge film.

"Is something wrong, Cassie?" Richard questioned, his curiosity growing. "You know exactly who it is," a voice replied from the other side of the bathroom.

"He's my friend," Cassie whispered, her voice dripping with paranoia. "I swear, I haven't even cut class, Richard!" she calmly giggled.

Alarmed, Richard stumbled back, tripping over a bowl of popcorn, his eyes widening in terror. "Hey, Cassie, don't!" Cassie darted at Richard and jumped on his neck, biting him. Blood spurted out all over the white stair banister, then Cassie gazed back at the bathroom door. "Good job, Cassie," said a demonic voice.

Then a donkey walked out of the bathroom. "No, please, God! No!" Richard cried out.

"Meet my friend Harry," said Cassie.

As Richard bled to death, he crawled towards the phone on a table in the hallway. But before he could reach it, the donkey pinned him down. Cassie sat on the steps, frowning and giggling as Richard was slowly mauled to death.

Vicky had just returned home and couldn't believe what she saw.

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