Post Time: Maple's Destruction

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Kathy hesitated at first but eventually succumbed to her mother's plea. "Kathy, darling," her mother exclaimed, "we must hurry! The horses need to be transported onto the spaceship. They are expecting us." However, Kathy seemed preoccupied, gazing at her overflowing wardrobe and contemplating her outfit for the day. With snow falling outside, she pondered whether to wear the periwinkle blue dress with a navy scarf or the periwinkle blue dress with a scarlet scarf, envisioning herself as Scarlet O'Hara from "Gone with the Wind."

Interrupting her thoughts, her mother called from downstairs, urging Kathy to come down for breakfast and hurry up. "We only have two hours to get the horses on the ship," she reminded her daughter. Realizing the urgency, Kathy quickly dressed herself, donning the chosen dress and scarf. As she reached for her coat in the closet, she noticed it was missing. Confused and emotional, she cried out to her mother, demanding to know where her coat was.

Her mother reassured her, "Your coat is on the piano, darling. I always put it there for you." Meanwhile, Kathy's mother was busy in the kitchen, preparing a special porridge. It was the year 3034, and the horses had to be transformed into robotic beings for a grand gambling event in outer space known as the Vulchika. Aristocrats from various galaxies had gathered to witness this spectacle.

Among the horses, Kathy's favorite was Maple, named after her love for maple syrup on pancakes. Every morning, she delighted in drenching her pancakes with the syrup. Her mother, knowing her daughter's preference, made sure she finished every last bite of her breakfast.

"Kathy, darling, doesn't the Buzz Nutter 2000 look splendid?" Mother exclaimed. "I love it so much!" Kathy replied excitedly. "Okay, sweetie, we need to hurry because the horses are ready to race now," Mother said, urging Kathy to move quickly. "Okay, okay, Mother, just let me put the Cheez-Its back in the refrigerator," Kathy replied, grabbing the box of snacks. "You shouldn't be eating so many of those, they're bad for your health," Mother cautioned.

They blasted off to space in their ShuttleCapsule7200.

"Maple, our beloved robotic horse, is equipped with so many machine guns that can blast all the other horses away," Kathy exclaimed. "I know this is the best robot horse in the Galaxy!" Mother replied proudly. "Sweetheart, we are sure to win first prize. The race is about to start, so sit down in your seat and let's enjoy the race," Mother said, guiding Kathy to her designated spot. "Okay, they're in the starting lineup now. It's post time, Kathy, it's post time!" Mother exclaimed.

"There's Maple, Maple, Maple! She looks so strong and gallant. I'm so proud of this horse," Kathy exclaimed. "You should be, sweetheart. We worked on her for two summers, trying to get all the gears right. But it will pay off, I know Maple's going to win," Mother replied confidently. "But we will see about that," Kathy said, her competitive spirit shining through. "Now, sit down and be quiet. You know I don't like when you talk to me that way," Mother scolded. "But you're a spoiled little brat. This is a lot of money to get these seats in the Galaxia Arena, and to have this kind of spectacular view of the horse races is something you could never imagine on Earth," Mother continued sternly.

"Mother, are you saying that our house on Earth is destroyed?" Kathy asked, shocked. "I'm saying that Earth has been destroyed, sweetheart. It was destroyed after we blasted off, we can't go back. This is our new home now in the Galaxy, and we need to be grateful for that," Mother explained. "Kathy, now be quiet," Mother concluded, trying to bring the focus back to the race.

"Oh my gosh, Mother! Maple was in the lead, and this is absolutely dreadful," Kathy exclaimed. "What should we do?"

"Silence, Kathy! I have warned you before that you bring misfortune wherever you go. Maple's predicament is all because of your presence," Mother scolded. "I am truly exasperated with you, Kathy. You are ruining these races for everyone. Look at what you have done to Maple. She is now lying injured on the track because of your ill-fated aura. I assure you, your father will have something to say about this. I am tired of your constant interference and disruption of our plans. Do you understand the gravity of the situation?"

"Mother, it's not my fault. Maple, the horse, requires immediate attention. She has suffered a broken leg," Kathy replied, attempting to defend herself. "Regrettably, ma'am, Maple will be unable to continue," a race official interjected. "The last obstacle caused significant damage. It's a severe malfunction, ma'am. We can't repair it. Maple must be galactically euthanized. Although she is a machine, it's necessary since her machinery is becoming unstable. We can't risk the guns malfunctioning anymore and causing chaos. The gears and weaponry can't be rectified."

"Are you referring to the machine guns that Kathy installed?" Mother asked, taken aback. "Indeed, this horse was designed for battle, not for racing," the official confirmed. "Sterling, leave this place immediately. I have no desire to interact with you any further. There are numerous complications down on the track," Mother exclaimed angrily.

"Ma'am, repairing Maple is not feasible. You will need to acquire a new Android horse. A newer model will be required for the next race. If you wish to continue next year, investing in the 3035 model race horse is imperative. However, it may come at a substantial cost," Sterling explained. "If you do not depart within the next two seconds, Kathy will take matters into her own hands, and you will not appreciate the consequences. She is part robotic herself and can change in an instant." Leave, Mrs. Gherswin," said Sterling. "I will not tolerate your insolence. If you persist, I will ensure you are banned from the Galaxia Arena."

"This is a battle horse, not a racing horse. Kathy has brought a battle horse to a racing event. You, Kathy, and your entire party will be subject to a significant fine. Maple's presence is impeding the progress of the races. The next race cannot commence until Maple is removed from the track. Our Galaxia Arena rescuers are currently handling the situation. The horse's malfunction is causing the machine guns to discharge uncontrollably, endangering everyone present. Comprehend this, we have personnel on the scene, but we are unsure how to proceed. Our Galaxia Arena tanks and hose operators are attempting to contain the situation, but their efforts have been futile. Maple must be destroyed, and you will face severe penalties. Kathy, it's time for you and your mom to leave the Galaxia Arena immediately, or I will summon the Galaxia Arena guards to escort you out. Do you understand the gravity of the situation?" "Very well, let us depart, Kathy," her mother said, her frustration and disappointment evident.

We must hasten our departure, Kathy. The time has come for us to embark on a journey aboard the mighty ShuttleCapsule7200, traversing a distance of 75 miles to reach our destination: the Galaxy Pad, nestled in the southern expanse of the enchanting Tropical Galaxy Museum. Our purpose? To rendezvous with your esteemed stepfather, Don, and relay the gripping tale of events that unfolded within the grandiose confines of the Galaxia Arena today.

Upon hearing of this transgression, Don, your stepfather, shall be consumed by a tempest of fury and disappointment. His wrath shall manifest in the form of suspension, banishing you from the hallowed halls of the Racehorse Robot Shack, where you find solace in mending and nurturing these mechanical equine beings. The repercussions of this dire circumstance shall reverberate through the corridors of your academic pursuits at the esteemed Galaxy Catholic School, casting a shadow upon your future, young lady.

Fear not, for I shall not let this travesty go unchallenged. Together, we shall navigate the treacherous terrain that lies before us, grappling with the consequences of your actions and seeking redemption in the depths of the cosmos.

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