Stripper In Moscow

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Something reached into his heart and grabbed it. Wilcox looked up at his heart in his hand. This time it was his Anthropology teacher looking down at him, Ms Rose. "You had better study Wilcox or I'm going to flunk your ass!" Then Wilcox woke from his nightmare. He left the library were he was studying.

     That Night

     Jupiter walked in. "Hi, I'm Jupiter, you're sexy! What's your name?"
     "Friends call me Wilcox," he looked down and shook his head a little."
     "Well Wilcox, I'm Jupiter and I want to dance with you "
     "You don't say." They proceeded to walk into the plethora of light. Translation: They dazzled together on the stage. Translation: The stage in the hookah bar called, "Cozy Roxy."
     They heard about the suicide on the rocky shore of a closed beach. Today Jupiter didn't care, she had her man and swung Wilcox around in the jubilant atmosphere of flying fairies created only by the strobe light.
     The news reports indicated that a teenager walked out alone to a private area of a beach and attempted to stab herself in the heart. A paramedic boat was sent to exercise a rescue effort. That is about all we know. What we don't know is if they saved her.
     The dancers weren't remotely close to knowing each other. They had only met an hour before hearing about the girl. The paper also said an elderly couple found all the garbage left behind from the paramedics. There were syringes and torn clothes, things like that laying in the sand and washed up seaweed.
     "What did the reports state?" asked Jupiter.
     "It stated that she went for the heart, but got scared and stabbed herself in the other side of her chest instead."
     "It sorta makes sense if you stop and think about it. The world is all fucked up because no one stops and listens. It's no wonder why she wanted to do that; it was driving her crazy that people just don't listen to her."
     "I don't think it is that people don't want to listen to her as much as it is that people don't understand the meaning of the word "No!" No means No! Anyway, I should be going, I have an anthropology exam tomorrow at Columbia University. It was nice meeting you Jupiter. By the way, what was your real name?
     "Chrissy, you're a nice guy, real sweet. Here, this is my number." She writes her number on his hand. "Call me tomorrow, we'll figure something out, okay?"
     "Sure, okay."
     The next day, Wilcox retired to his room at an old motel where he had been staying.
     Outside there was a boy and a girl chasing a fast little puppy around. They struggled to get it until finally they caught up with it and the girl caught it clinching it in her arms and they all went back inside the same motel Wilcox was staying.
     By this time, there was snow on the ground.     
     Wilcox decided to call Jupiter. When he did, he found out she had taken her own life. The owner of the club said The Cozy Roxy had to be shut down and there was an investigation led by Detective Marlow. Soon Detective Marlow got in touch with Wilcox and they agreed to go for ice cream and talk about Jupiter's death at the race track.
     The detective wasn't sure if it was a suicide or if it was something else. At the race track Marlow was walking up the stands to Wilcox carrying a large tray of food. Four hot dogs, one coney dog, a nachos and cheese, some burgers, a pitcher of beer, and two large colas. Marlow was a short man, about 5'3" wearing a dark gray trench coat. "I didn't know what to get so I bought the whole damn concession stand." Wilcox laughed. "Wow, you sure did, let's eat I'm starved." The detective sat down by Wilcox and took his black hat off. The hat was solid, a little shorter than one a magician uses to pull a rabbit from, but still very solid. "You got a light?" asked Marlow. Before Wilcox could answer Marlow asked, "That girl, ah? Ah?"
     "Jupiter?" said Wilcox.
     "Yeah, you knew her?"
     "She told me her real name was Chrissy."
     "Yeah, she was found dead on the stage at the Cozy Roxy with her wrist slit wide open, as you probably are aware. It's a little bizarre. Her death doesn't make sense." Just then, a weird looking figure was walking down the stands towards the men. There was a cheer as the dogs ran out the gate. People were getting excited now. Marlow's coney dog and cola spilt all over his pants. "Damn! Damn! Dammit to hell! Look at shit!" Wilcox started laughing hysterically. The weird man grabbed Marlow on his shoulder and was pointing at the dog. The weird man spoke in an incomprehensible language. "Ahggg dooogg that I eat." Marlow looked up at him, but couldn't get him to let go of his coat. "He wants your food," Wilcox chuckled. That was the last chuckle he would make.
      The Saturday papers read that a Detective Marlow's heart dislodged from his body by some superhuman force. Wilcox had also been devoured.
     After the incident involving Wilcox and Detective Marlow, the weird guy from the stands left the dog races and saw two huskies fighting.
     One had the other pinned down and the owner was kicking at it for pinning it down, but the husky bared its teeth to the owner and wouldn't cease from its position on the dog. The weird guy walked past the dogs and turned the corner and walked down the street.

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