The Morbid Following

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John picks up a microphone and speaks.
     My name is Anthony John, but some people call me John Anthony, whichever you like is fine by me. I live in Pennsylvania. The year is 1933. There's been some sort of accident. Mr. D. Shaiffer is dead.
     48 mins later.
     She's laying in blood next to Melody's body. When she sees John, she doesn't know if he is a zombie or not.
     After getting up from her position on the bloody floor. Harmony wiped the blood from her face and yelled out for anyone. There was no one left in the building; a small quarantine test lab, that was due to be evacuated and sealed off in two weeks by the army. Scientist like Harmony had received the equivalent of congressional medal of honor for military for conducting experiments that involved using a serum to transpose the mind of a human into another. Sort of like telepathy, but more closely related to keeping the mind intact from the original source and possessing control over the person's thoughts. So, this type of mind control would take over the spirit of the body it was possessing. Dr. Shaiffer was one of the first to become isolated in the lab and undergo great misfortune when the serum got contaminated and leaked into his skin, turning him first into a zombie, and then back into his original self. He had proclaimed to talk and eat food like he normally would. There had been times when Dr. Shaiffer would answer calls and buzz people into the lab. Then, once the serum had after effects, it mentally ordered and altered his conscience, putting him in a self hypnotic state, almost like a self induced brainwash. At this point the doctor became adept to changing from one body to the other, getting rid of his old, and transferring his mind and thoughts to another more reputable one. The remains of Dr. Shaiffer's old self, or "shell", was left in the lab room. Harmony would later join up with Joyce Geeves to try and determine how to find the spirit of Dr. Shaiffer and return his spirit to his original birth body.
     "I've been tryin' to reach you. You don't understand what is happening here Harmony! We got a serious problem here. What is that on your coat, wait... what did you do to Mm--mm...?"
     "Melody? John, what did I do to Melody?"
     A guy opens a door in the next room. It is Fred White. Fred sees a zombie approaching him from behind... "Fred are you there?", John calls out, "Is that you?" There is a thump... John goes to check it out. The room is empty. Then he sees Fred's body, he's not breathing. He rushes back to Harmony in a panic. Then John is quickly immobilized, as she knocks him over the head with a rubber mallet. Harmony retreats to a metal table, pours herself a glass of vodka and leans on the table. A sound is heard from the next room, where Fred lies dead. Entering through the doorway is a monstrous-looking creature coming from its grave. "Oh God!!!", cries Harmony, "I don't know how you got in here, come on you fucker!" The decrepit cadaver reaches for her hair from behind the table that separates them. Then Harmony picks up a silver hot thermos and throws it at the creature, but to no avail, because the zombie knocks it away with its elbow. "Oh! Harmony", the zombie says, "where is Mr. Shaiffer?" At that point, she sees Mr. Shaiffer's leg sticking out from the walk-in freezer. It was there the whole time and she didn't even notice.
     Harmony quickly grabs a hand gun from the drawer of a small table and tries to fire it, but the gun is not loaded. The zombie reaches into his army pants' pocket and shows her he has the bullets, then tosses them away so they get scattered around the room. "No buulllllleeeets", the zombie speaks in a drawn out voice, "No buulllllleeeets." Harmony looks up at the zombie, "Oh shit!" She starts throwing glass flasks at him, missing several times, until one hits him. The flask breaks over his face, which is already showing a ripped up lower jaw and bloody veins protruding from the neck. Then she lifts the wooden desk over her head and hurls it at the dead corpse. It breaks over him sending him to the ground.
     It later rises, refusing to be dead. "I guess you can't take a joke can you Ms. Harmony." She backs up to a small white refrigerator containing specimens. Finding a bullet under the fridge, she struggles now to relocate the gun she put somewhere, but can't remember. The zombie slowly walks over to an aluminium autopsy stretcher table. Looking directly at Harmony, the zombie pushes it, jolting forward, and belly flops on it. The stretcher rolls at full speed to where Harmony is sitting. She dodges out of the way, and then sees the gun laying under the operating table where she worked on Mr Shaiffer a week prior. The zombie rolls out of control and crashes into some embalming equipment. By this time Harmony is now struggling to load the gun with the only bullet she found. Sliding in blood, Harmony keeps slipping to get to her feet, but gets the bullet in the chamber. The zombie is getting closer and closer. "No buulllllleeeets!!!," says the zombie, speaking with a lisp, "no buulllllleeeets!!!." Then it grabs her neck. She screams in fear, "Oh! God!, Oh God!" She points the gun at the zombies face, she pulls the trigger, but just hears a click, click sound. She pauses and looks right at the zombie and says, "no bullets!" Then blows the zombie's face off, spraying the wall behind it with a waterfall of red. All the contents on the back tables, medical trays, and so on ... now stained. Harmony slowly gets up and assesses the situation. "Awe shit! My coffee maker...look what you made me do to that coffee maker."

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