Farm Snatchers

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It is easier for one to take risks and to chase his dreams with a mindset that he has nothing to lose.
                                                               -Criss Jami

The years following the Korean war were hard, to say the least. In particular, young George Baker was one of them that turned first.
     (Keisha, a prostitute going by the name of Shiloe, recalls what she remembers that morning.)
     By late morning, the locals lined up and filed down the sidewalk to church, on what appeared to be a normal day in Daegu. They listened to the church music being played on the loudspeakers wedged in the palm trees as they filed into the place of worship. 
     -From my notebook.
     It was supposed to be our anniversary. I wanted to see him: my man, Jack Q. Fredrick. I used to call him "cute" in college. That's when I met him. It seems like we all find someone sexy in college; even so, I knew then he had a strangeness to him, but I liked it. My son, whom I love so much - my sweet little Georgie-poo - wanted to see Korea. Gosh, he is adorable. He's got cute little puffy cheeks and such a lovable face. He is graduating this year. He wanted to see Korea, and I wanted to see my man. So, on the day I got fired from my job, my son and I decided we would go to Korea.
     -1956, Asia Baker. 
     I'm Melissa Cuttez, I'm Asia Baker's best friend. I heard what happened to her, it's so sad. She was taking her little baby boy halfway across the world, just to see her ex. Really, who does that? Of course, he was a finely decorated military man. I met him once when they came to my birthday party; I was just 19. We had a fun time together; that's why this whole situation hurts me. I got this letter in the mail this afternoon.
     She hands it to Inspector Liana Mohoney.
     "Dear Mrs. Cuttez,
       My name is Earl Thorton. I'm in charge here at a quarantine station.
     Asia is alright, and so is her son, George Baker. They both have been sent to a quarantine camp outside of Daegu because of the rampant spread of the virus, as a precautionary measure. We are unsure of Asia's status and condition. She is currently undergoing immunity testing. The KTX train in South Korea had to be stopped when several reports pointed to a young boy wearing a mask and protective gear who collapsed on board. The reason was later discovered - he had been infected with the Tadtox40 virus, which has already claimed over 60,000 people. The government knew this was indeed the son of Asia Baker, a 29-year-old mother from Long Island, California. The boy kicked and screamed as he was seized and taken away from the train. We are sorry this happened, and will update you as soon as we are cleared to do so." 
- Earl Lee Thorton
      "Yes, that bastard won't tell me a damn thing. I've heard the worst things about this building they have turned into a makeshift sick bunker. I called my husband, Fred, and told him about the letter. He raced home and managed to comfort me a little." 
     The inspector rested her chin on Melissa.
     "Thank you for your time, I assure you I will let you know something as soon as I do." 
     Melissa went inside and rummaged through some of Asia's stuff and found a video. It was from a year prior to the outbreak. She put it in the VCR and it started off well. Asia and her son were pictured in her house. 
     "Mum, can you come here?"
     "Oh, how cool, what did you do?"
     "I designed the first puzzle based on the periodic table."
     "That is really cool, Georgie."
     "Now, do I get some ice cream?"
     "Even better, I will take you for some hot fudge."
     Then the tape cut out and went to static, and a voice from the static could be heard, but it wasn't clear who it was or what it was.
     Jack hadn't been in action for a little over a year; however, he knew about George and what had happened to him. He had to be separated from his mother. The scientists of a protective agency were using him as part of a genetic chemical agent experiment now. By this time, they had a special farm set up for others that were deemed infected by the virus, and Georgie was one of them. Officials had the station closed off for miles; nobody got in and nobody got out.
     Jack phoned Asia, who was now staying at a new house of protective care, a place that Jack admits had a bad reputation.
     "Something went wrong, Asia."
     "It's my Georgie, Jack?"
     "Yes, he has escaped."
     The rest of the conversation got lost when the agency interrupted the transmission.
     "Who were you talking to, Mr. Frederick?"
     Then there was static.
     "Jack, are you there, Jack!" But there was nothing.
     Cynthia Thorton was visiting with her friend Melissa now. She remembered growing up with Maggon. "I always heard strange stories from her," she said. "Once, there was this time when she told me Jack was tricked in school. He'd only been a little boy himself then, way before Georgie's time. Some boys in a Turkish bath had blindfolded him and had him sit on the hot pipes of a wall heater, this being told to him was a chair. It hurt Jack and he never quite recovered. I believe this is why Asia left him; it had an affect on his psyche."
     "Yeah, well, now Asia misses him, or she wouldn't have flown all the way out there to see him."
     "If he can manage to find her."
     -11 months later.
     The Tadtox40 virus now had an antidote. People held in quarantine stations were now being given doses of the antidote. Unfortunately, it came too late for Asia.
     By the time Jack did find her, she was dead. He had to lift the board on the outside of the door of the now-condemned quarantine camp. Her body was identifiable only because of the stone bracelet she had worn to celebrate their upcoming two-year anniversary together. It was the bracelet Jack had given her one night in Long Beach. 
     He rested her arm bone down on the solid cold floor and left the room with a look of determination on his face. He uttered one word.

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