Crown Rosa

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It was 11:11 pm that night. The mood was set with candles, which were lit, in small glass vases and placed at each corner of the room. Cheryl, his wife was sleeping when he noticed something move on the table. Then there were drips of blood coming from the ceiling. Chet raced upstairs to find Cheryl staring at a crucifix mounted on fashionable daisy wallpaper. The crucifix then fell to the floorboards where it burst into a small fireball of flames. Chet ran over to Cheryl to put his arm around her to try and comfort her. She picked Chet up by his throat and threw him over the balcony on to the living room table below. Then Cheryl turned around and started to walk down the stairs in a white gown. The blank stare in her eyes was devilish; the stare of someone possessed. As she crept down the stairs towards Chet's body she lifted her right hand up, and then without indication, outstretched it and slit her wrist.
     The hour was nine minutes past midnight when a tall emaciated witch threw in her magical straw broom. Then she stepped through the upstairs bedroom window. She had grey fizzled hair, wore a pointed black hat, and had green paint on her face. The witch roamed around the room, around the candles still burning. She went over to the dresser and looked at herself in the mirror above it. She was an ugly hag alright, with deep wrinkles under her eyes, and a wart on the right side of her nose.
     In the living room lay Chet and Cheryl Akers. As the witch peered down at their corpses, she chanted some ritualistic verses. Her hand gripped the banister very sinisterly and all of her skeletal fingers were visible. Then she slowly walked down the steps holding her broom, and slowly gliding her right hand down the rail as she moved. Towering over the dead now, the malevolent fiend dripped goats blood onto Chet from a buffalo's horn, and did the same for Cheryl. Then the witch let herself out of the house and disappeared into the dark sky on her broom.
     Paranormal investigator RuQuinn Esquire arrived there sometime later. He was a very thin man of average height. Five years after the mysterious deaths of Mr and Mrs Akers a couple shows up in a motor home. They were a nice couple, very humble, and down-to-earth. This couple had very pleasant manners, you know. They had started to notice a strange phenomenon surrounding the premises of the property. Hence, Mr Esquire was called in to see if he could make out what the disturbances were. He put down his cane and was just about to hang up his coat when he witnessed a pigeon flying into the downstairs window. The couple explained to him that this was not the first time that something like this had happened. They told Mr Esquire about a wolf they found dead from blunt force trauma. It had run into their front door. There was nothing they could do for it so they buried it in the yard. Mr Esquire urgently explained that he must return another day to have a look around. The couple agreed, however, weeks had passed, and no Mr Esquire. One windy afternoon whilst Camille was hanging some clothes out in the yard, that was her name, Camille. She found the decapitated head of Mr Esquire in her laundry basket. It was at this time that a green laser shot into her eyes from the head and she suddenly could see everything Mr Esquire saw. It dawned on her what had been going on there. They had been living in a witches coven. Now the question was on her mind, why? Why her? And why now?
     She did a little research at the local library of Crown Rosa, a small village of settlers in Massachusetts. She affirmed in an article that the house they lived in, and the house where the Akers resided was actually the site of a witches coven. This coven existed around the time of the Salem Witch Trials. Real witches and real people. The article suggested that the witches, real ones, or people imitating witches, would dress up in black costumes and wear make-up. They would dance around a boiling cauldron, chanting, and finally devouring parts of their victims. She also found an interesting paragraph stating that many during this time were committed to the Crown Rosa mental health ward. Those committed there claimed they were witches, but had lost their powers, including the power to fly on a broomstick.

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