Dead Army Energy

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Months had passed since the virus had leaked out of a contaminated area, spreading and infecting many at a secluded army base near the small fishing village of Fairmont.
     She had to make a choice immediately, there was no way out but to go down into the store.
     "Are you down there yet? I've got to save Bianca from those things."
    "Don't leave me dad, no! No!"
Drenched in blood from an earlier struggle with the dead man who had bitten her on the shoulder, Shelly started descending. She heard nothing from the top of the manhole. Looking up, she only saw the white clouds moving about; then, without warning, a loud noise and a growling creature trying to get to her. It was the dead corpse of a man in an army uniform. Shelly Davis kept going down to get away from him, but his hands grabbed her hair... there was nothing else she could do. He dropped into the hole like a soldier dodging a grenade, knocking Shelly off the ladder and onto the exercise mats stacked below. The blue mats cushioned her fall, but now she was going to face a new challenge - Mr Ribbons.
     Shelly could barely wash her face. Both his eyes had been  enucleated. Mr Ribbons was dead, or was he? He rose, reached for her leg... but it wasn't Mr. Ribbons, it was some thing coming from his body.
     The glass windows shattered all at once, as these creatures invaded the sporting goods store she had fallen into.
     "Okay, you sons of bitches! Let's see what you got," she said, "come and get me!"
     As she got to her feet, she ran to a nearby fire extinguisher, she quickly opened it and sprayed it at that thing that was coming out of Mr Ribbons' heart. "I don't know what you sick bastards are thinking, but take that, you freak!" She sprayed the fire extinguisher at it again, and the thing dissolved into a cloud of whiteness then disappeared. Mr Ribbons and more dead army men were now walking towards her. But the zombies were slow, stupid, and had no memory. They would move from one spot to the other and never remember where they were. There were eight of them, including Mr Ribbons.
     "You think you can stop the virus from spreading?" said Mr Ribbons in a menacing voice. The virus he was referring to was a spiritual ball of energy that was formed by sucking all the energies out of anyone close to it, and grew like a blob until it finally dissolved magically in the air.
     "I think you're full of shit Ribbons. You killed my sister, my friends... what did you do to Bianca?"
     "Bianca made for a great experiment, and you're next Shelly," said Mr. Ribbons. "Quick, destroy them!" Shelly was now standing in front of the store. In the shadows of the dead army gang, she saw no other than Jack Q. Frederick. He knocked the zombies down, one by one.
     "I'm Jack! Let's go, grab my hand, I've got to get you out of here. Jump, Shelly, I know a lot about you, and I know you can do it." "You won't get past us, Mr Jack, the hero," said Mr Ribbons. But there was no hesitation in Jack, as his huge 7 ft 2 in body stomped forward. Now the focus was on him. Bodies flew into the wall, Jack tossed them out into the sunlit desert. But it was too late - one half of Mr. Ribbon had seized Shelly and escaped with her out of the back window from the supplies room, which was now just a bunch of emptied metal shelves. Mr Ribbons's other half however was still there, fighting Jack to prevent him from going after Shelly. Jack wanted to run out and around the building, but Mr Ribbons stopped him, "I see you can do no good at all, even with all those big muscles you got, little man." Jack's ego distracted him from focusing on his main purpose. "Okay, I am going to pound you to the ground," said Jack. The two had a face-off, Mr Ribbons pulled out a Bowie knife from his camouflaged vest, squared off, and lunged. It was enough for Jack to grab him by the arm, twist it around, and break it off. But Mr Ribbons laughed, as his arm magically recreated itself like mercury. "What are you?", Jack asked him. "I am a prodigy of the goveronment, and I will eliminate you," Mr Ribbons replied. Jack approached him, slowly stepping on the broken pieces of glass. "Here I am," Jack said. Mr Ribbons formed a big energy ball that shed a blue light and threw it at Jack, whose big body was pushed back to the wall wish such violence that Jack was thrust through it and out into the desert of the now quarantined area. By the time Jack came back to the room, Mr Ribbons had vanished.
     At that very moment, Mrs Gwen rolled up in a red Jeep and said: "My gosh! Babe, what the hell happened to you?"
     "You don't want to know, but they got Shelly, and George."
     "George Baker?"
     "Ah, those infected maggots! Come on, hop in, I'll get you cleaned up."
     "Mrs Gwen, you look a mess yourself. What have you been doing?"
     Beads of sweat rolled down her brows, and her underarms now indicated she needed a new gray t-shirt, which not only made her athletic body look strong, but revealed her perky breasts.
     "I'll tell you later, when we get back to my place."
     "Why your place?"
     "Look, unless you want to stay here..." and she pointed to the tanks coming up the road.
     "You're right, let's go!"
     "Let's go save Shelly!"
     "...and George."
     Jack resolutely gave the nod.

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