24 - Pink Lemonade

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"Shit it's in the wash then" Hoseok muttered. My lip curled up after Hoseok spoke, and I could already feel the tears welling up, ready to fall. It really was the best jumper for feeling small days, and although I wasn't before, after being pampered and looked after by my three hyungs, I really did feel small, and the jumper kept me safe and warm which was all I wanted now.

"Hey baby, don't cry, it's okay" Taehyung said as he crouched a little and wiped my tears away from my eyes. "Aw baby I'm sorry you can't wear that one but I have an even better one, is that okay?" Hoseok asked, getting down on one knee as he patted my knee. I slowly nodded at him, curious to see which jumper he was talking about. Hoseok whispered something to Jin and Jin made an" ah" sound before nodding, and I watched then as Hoseok ran out the door and to the left, to more bedrooms.

"Baby do you want to dry your privates yourself" Jin asked, now making direct eye contact with me.
He would have to make eye contact at the embarrassing times I thought, as my cheeks began turning red.
Although Jin had walked in on me staring at my boner, thankfully covered by my boxers, not knowing what to do, and had been the first one to kiss me, I still didn't want him to see my privates.

I quickly stood up, almost too fast as I grabbed Jins shoulder to stablise myself. "Be careful baby, we'll stay behind you but turned away okay" Taehyung said and I nodded, covering myself with the towels before quickly drying my body and stepping into the Tommy Hilfiger boxers that Hoseok had laid out for me. There was also a pink skirt and a pair of yellow booty shorts but after last night, I didn't want to even look at the skirt so I put on the shorts before turning around to tap their shoulders.

"Ah my baby dressed himself, he's growing old on us" Taehyung fake cried, even pretending to wipe tears away. I giggled at him before shaking my head sideways, a smile evident on my face.

Hoseok came running back into the room, a pink hoody in his hands as he stretched his arms out to show me. It was a pale baby pink colour and it was long, and it had a hood, apart from that it was very plain. However, Taehyung grabbed it from Hoseok before showing me the insides, that were Fluffy!

I giggled slightly and held my arms up, as Taehyung placed it over my head and on me. It did make me feel warm and I giggled as it went to my knees, hiding the shorts I was wearing. It also gave me sweater paws so I turned around to face Hoseok and I nodded loads of times, to show him I liked it.

"I'm glad you like it baby, you can keep it if you want" Jin said and I spun to look at Jin, who was holding a pair of fuzzy pink socks, a smile on his face. "It's Jins jumper Joonie" Hoseok said as I made an "oh" shape with my mouth.

"Now, will we put these on and go get some treatment for that little lovely neck of yours" Jin asked, wiggling the socks slightly.

After the socks were on, and Ryan was in my arms, we all walked downstairs, my hand in Taehyungs.
Hoseok ran to the kitchen, to order some food, whereas Taehyung and Jin led me into the sitting room, and sat me down on the end of the couch ( my favorite spot).

Taehyung was on his phone messaging someone, while also holding my hand and smiling at me. Jin had gone running around, saying something about disinfectant wipes and bandages.

I found out what he meant, when he came back, and explained that he needed to bandage the skin where I had scrubbed it so hard, that it not just turned red, but parts started bleeding too. I didn't regret it, and even now I still felt dirty.

I had squeezed Taehyung hand so hard while Jin wiped my neck and my chest with an alcohol wipe, which by the way, stung worse than a bee.

However, as Jin went to wrap my neck in bandages I stopped him. As much as I hated them, I wanted to see them, I wanted them to see when I paid Youngjae a visit to thank him. Jin and Taehyung were surprised, asking me multiple times if I was sure, but eventually gave in and just bandaged my chest.

Kitten ( Namjoon x BTS) (Currently editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz