The Flood

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*Jinxx's POV*

While waiting for the ambulance, I kept checking Tony's pulse which seemed to get weaker and weaker by the minute. When the ambulance finally got here, screeching and wailing, as if some surreal monster out of a nightmare, the guys piled Tony into a stretcher and then into the ambulance itself. I rode in it with him, gently clasping Tony's hand in mine while calling Austin and then Andy to tell them what happened. They told me they'll meet us in the hospital with everyone.

When we got to the hospital, they wheeled Tony away for the operation while I started pacing in the hallway and waiting for Austin and Andy and everyone else.

After about 10 minutes of intense worrying, Austin ran in, followed by everyone else.

"Jinxxy! Are you okay? Did you get hit? Did you break anything? How's Tony? Is he okay?" Austin asked, enveloping me into a hug.

"Yes. No. No. He's in the operating room. I have no idea if he's okay," I said. 

We all ended up huddling together, hugging each others pain away.

Later Austin left to get more information about Tony's condition while everyone waited around. When Austin came back he said that the doc told him that they're operating on Tony's leg which was apparently badly broken and his condition kept bouncing from stable to unstable.

*5 hours later*

"Excuse me, are you here for Cesar Antonio Perry Soto?" I heard someone say. I looked up to see an elderly doctor looking at us through his spectacles with a worried expression.

"Yeah, we are," dad said.

"Well we performed the operation and it went well but he's in a coma. The best thing to do now is to just wait and see what happens," the doc said and walked off.

How can he just bomb us with such terrible, terrifying news and then just walk away? What is up with humans nowadays?

We decided to go visit Tony, and I and Vic were the first ones to go in. Tony was just lying there on the bed, unbelievably pale and...lifeless. It was like deja vu of what happened with Vic's cousin...but I don't want to think about that. Instead, I sat next to his bedside and held his hand, trying to hold my tears in.

"Hey, Tone, I know you can hear me, so please wake up," I said to him.

"Yeah bud, wake up, we need you, you know we do," Vic said taking his other hand in his.

Why did it have to be Tony? He's so nice, so honest, so smart, he would never hurt a living soul, and this is what happens to him...who wanted to hurt him so much? Whoever hit him today, that person had only one thing on their mind – murder.

But then...the person behind the wheel - it was a blond driving a Volvo. Who else drives a Volvo and is blonde? Cassie.

I felt anger simmer in me, consuming me, and I felt like killing someone. Whoever hurt Tony is going to get it from me.

I walked out of Tony's room and looked around, but didn't see that bitch anywhere. "Hey so can we come in?" Mike said coming up to me.

I pushed past him and walked into the other room. "Hey! What's wrong?" Mike called after me.

I didn't acknowledge him and walked on. Sure enough, I see that bitch sitting between Phil and Tino, with her head in her hands.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKING BITCH!" I yelled at her and then pulled her by the hair out of the chair and onto the floor. Straddling her so she couldn't get out, I started to punch her in the face repeatedly. 

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