"Do you mind repeating yourself, Riley?" Jayden growled and stared at the blushing guy.

"I just said that-"

"That's gay" Jayden interrupted him and the other guys in the kitchen chuckled quietly. I didn't exactly get why it was so funny and it was a bit embarrassing that I was the only one who didn't get the joke. Especially since I felt as if the joke was about me.

"Fuck off..." The guy named Riley huffed and walked into the kitchen with his head lowered in defeat. "G-good morning... By the way..." He stuttered and gave me a shy wave.

How did Jayden handle having so many roommates? He probably never got any room except for his own to himself.

"This is Micah..." Jayden said and placed a glass of apple juice and a plate with a grilled cheese in front of me.

"Thomas..." The guy next to me said and shook my hand. He hadn't said anything yet so I just assumed he was shy.

"Danny..." The guy who patted Jayden on the shoulder when we came into the kitchen said and waved to me.

"Will, that's Chris, Joey's upstairs, Spencer's that guy creeping in the corner and then there's Tom but he's also upstairs... and then there's a bunch of others but what-the-fucking-ever..." Jayden mumbled and pointed to different faces around the room while I tried to keep up.

"Are you that sore..?" Jayden asked as we drove to the campus.

"Not really, why?" I turned to him and another wave of nausea washed over my head, causing to make a face.

"You look... like you're in discomfort..." he mumbled.

"I'm just nauseous..." I groaned.

"Why?" Jayden chuckled.

"Cause I'm... I get morning sick sometimes..." How the fuck do you tell a gay guy that you, another gay guy, is pregnant with his child? I glanced over at him and admired his concentrated face. He was truly beautiful.

"Sorry for being such an ass..." He mumbled. "I'm sorry for not asking you if you wanted me to wear a condom the first time we..." He sighed as a blush spread over his cheeks. "I'm sorry..." He mumbled. "Can you... can you forgive me so we can... I don't know... start over?"

"Normally, I would've said yes..." I whispered. Trying not to cry was becoming a bit of a struggle and I stubbornly wiped my eyes before the tears could escape. "I'm in a very strange and uncertain situation right now..."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I don't know what my future's got in store for me and I'm really fucking scared..."

"Aren't we all?" He said and turned his gaze to me, making me shake my head.

"Not like this..." I murmured.

Jayden parked the car in the parking lot by the campus. It was the kind of parking spot you had to pay for, handsomely. I never understood why people felt the need to bring their cars to campus. There was a bus line going all around town just down the street which meant that no student actually had to drive to school. I wasn't about to complain though. If Jayden wanted to drive his electrical car around then so be it. I did have to admit that it was quite pleasant to ride in. Quiet, smooth and modern. Riding in it felt fancy.

"Thanks..." I mumbled and got out of the car. I felt embarrassed about what I had done, just like I knew I would. Had it distracted me like I had hoped it would? Yes. Did it give me the attention and affection I knew I needed? Yes. Did I give Jayden the impression that I liked him instead of despising him? Probably.

Intersex (Mpreg) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now