Chapter 6: Rallying the Students

Start from the beginning

Fluttershy: "I love the flavour."

He smiled.

Kevin: "Alright everyone let's focus on  what we need to do."

Applejack: "Kevin's right. Dance is tomorrow night and we still don't know how we're gonna get Twilight the votes she needs to named princess Right now, a few folks know that Twilight is running for princess and that she stood up to Sunset Shimmer the other day so we got some votes already."

Kevin: "But that may not be enough. Sunset Shimmer may force some of the students to vote for her so we need to do something to let the people know that we some kind and helpful like Twilight here to be the princess and not some bully like Sunset Shimmer."

He and the girls thought carefully, trying to think of something.

Rarity: "I'VE GOT IT!" She yelled out which made the people in the dinner look at her which made her blush in embarrassment before they went back to their own business. "Ahem, I mean perhaps I have the solution. Now this makes an absolutely preposterous idea but what if we all wore these as a sign of unity?" She said she took out a pair of fake pony ears and tails in blue and yellow colours.

Kevin: "Pony ears and a tail?" He asked with a raised eyebrow while Rarity put on the fake ears and tail.

Rarity: "During freshman year, they were very, very popular. A way for everybody to show their school spirit! You know? "Go, Canterlot Wondercolts!" "She said a little happily before giving a deadpan look. "Ahem. I haven't sold any in ages." She said before taking out some her friends. "I mean, the five of us are obviously very different, but deep down, we're all Canterlot Wondercolts!" She says as Pinkie Pie,
Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Applejack put the pony ears on with a smile. "Sunset Shimmer is the one who divided us, Twilight Sparkle and Kevin are the ones who united us. And we're gonna let everyone know it!" She said as she put a pair of pony ears on Twilight's head. "What do you think?" She asked Twilight.

Twilight looks at Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy as they wore the pony ears with a smile on their faces then she looked at you while you just smiled and put your thumbs up as he approve of Rarity's idea.

Kevin: "Rarity, your idea is brilliant." He said which made the fashionta blush with a smile. "But we should also let the school know about you girl being friends again and how Sunset Shimmer broke up your friendship in the first place since it's possible that Sunset Shimmer not only broke up your friendship but others as well." He explained.

Rarity: "That's a great idea darling!"

And so he and the girls came up with a plan to tell everyone that Sunset Shimmer is responsible for breaking up most of the students friendships with lies through fake texts and e-mails and convince them to vote for Twilight who fixed the girls friendship.

The next day at Canterlot High, the students were in the students were in the cafeteria, each in their own group until Rarity sits down with one group while she is wearing a blue jumper with a horseshoe on it and the fake horse tail.

Rarity then takes out a pair of fake horse ears and puts them on then looks across the cafeteria to Rainbow Dash who sits them puts on her pair of fake horse ears and looks to Pinkie who is in line getting food and then she puts on her pair fake horse ears, grabbed a tray and started hitting the cafeteria counter, making some music.

Play Song: Equestria Girls (Cafeteria Song)

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