Chapter 18

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On a bridge that stretched over the ocean was filled with cars, a woman in one of the cars then noticed something fall out of the sky. When she looked closer, she saw that it was Superman, Doomsday and Darkforce. She panicked and got out of the car and then took her son out as well, then the heroes along with the monster came crashing down on her car like a meteor. They all skidded across the ground when they impacted, Doomsday recovered first and headed for Superman's downed form.

Darkforce intercepted the monster and gave him a powerful kick across the face, the monster stumbled back and then came back to back hand Darkforce into a car. Superman appeared and slammed into Doomsday, he threw him into the air and threw several combo punches. Doomsday grabbed Superman by throat and lifted him into the air and kicked him away, he then fired his lasers again and they hit Superman.

Darkforce punched Doomsday and the monster swinged at him but he evaded the attack and sent a kick at the monster, but it blocked him and threw him into a car. Darkforce heard a scream and he quickly got up and ripped the car open, he saw a woman inside and she stuck in her seatbelt. He quickly released her and then she panicked and pointed behind him, he quickly turned to block a blow from the monster and then he blocked another but was then kicked against the car.

Doomsday then dug his claws into the shoulder of Darkforce and blood started to trickle.

"Gaaaahhh!!!". The dark hero screamed in pain, the woman screamed in fear. Darkforce gestured for her to go and she quickly got up and ran away.

Doomsday punched Darkforce multiple times and then banged him against the car and then slammed him into the ground and stomped on him, then he kicked the dark hero into a truck causing it to cave in. Superman appeared and fired his lasers at the monster and punched him in the face, the monster caught him and slammed him against one of the bridge concrete columns that supported the bridge. The monster kicked Superman multiple times into the wall before kicking him to the side, then chains wrapped around the monster's ankles and made him fall.

Darkforce appeared and punched the monster multiple times but then got hit back into the asphalt ground. Superman sped up and slammed into Doomsday and knocked him up against the bridge beam, then the Man of Steel started to tie him up with the cables that snapped earlier.

"Somebody please save my child". A woman screamed.

Superman looked to his right and saw a small boy run toward his Gameboy, then the debris from the columns started falling off and were headed for the boy. Superman blocked the debris before they hit the boy, the boy looked up and saw the Man of Steel look down at him.

"Get back to your mother, son. Everything's going to be okay". Superman smiled, handing him the Gameboy.

The boy took it and turned for his mother, but then the boy stopped and turned to hug Superman. Superman was surprised by this but he closed his eyes and hugged back. After that the boy returned to his mother.

Superman saw Doomsday free himself with his bony spikes and claws, then he saw Darkforce meet him halfway and they crashed through the bridge toward the water below. Superman sped after them to catch, as he flew down he saw Darkforce beat the hell out of the monster then he saw him get slammed into a column below. Superman slammed into Doomsday and landed heavy blows to his torso, but the monster fought back. As they fought, they landed into the ocean below.

Doomsday then burst out of the water with Superman toward the Metropolis City Centre, they collided into the centre and there was a large boom followed afterward.

A news helicopter was flying above the area where the two titans crash landed.

"Aw, man. Superman and Darkforce don't look so good". Jimmy said, pointing his camera.

"Where's Darkforce?". Lois asked.

Then Doomsday looked up and noticed the truck, it picked up Superman and hurled him toward the helicopter. Superman collided with the chopper and it spun out of control, then the Man of Steel came back to his senses and saw the falling helicopter. He sped after it and stopped it in and made it land up on the roof of a building. Lois opened her eyes and looked outside, Jimmy aimed his camera at Superman. Lois saw the Man of Steel falter slightly from the pain.

"I got you". She said, holding him up.

"You got me? Whose got you?". Superman said.

"We need to call in the cavalry". Lois said, in a concerned way.

He smiled,"I am the cavalry".

Then the heard roaring followed by a large boom from below, they looked down and saw Darkforce facing off against Doomsday, he was slamming the monster into every hard obstacle in an attempt to slow it down. Lois saw how torn Darkforce's suit was and the injuries and the blood that covered him, she winced slightly. Superman was in the same condition, if not worse.

"You can't get go back after that thing. It's suicide". Lois said.

"I have to. Darkforce needs me to beat this thing". He said.

Then they saw Darkforce get slammed into a building.

"I have to get back to work". Superman said, before speeding off.

Darkforce came out of the building that he got thrown into and rubbed his head in pain, he saw Doomsday get taken to the sky by Superman. He was about to fire his chain and go after them but pain shot through his right arm and he groaned, Doomsday had earlier stomped on his right arm. His suit was torn and his mask was on its last legs as it only partially covered his face, the top left part of his face was exposed and his chin and mouth were exposed.

He fought down the pain and took off. He noticed Lois and Jimmy on the top of a roof, then he saw Jimmy aim his camera at him. He ignored them and continued to swing to find Superman and Doomsday, he knew this was a hard fight and he was starting to have doubts about beating this thing.

Everyone had their limits. Even him.

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