Chapter 57

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Every Themiscyrian was bright, early and busy that day. Most were blacksmiths and had to prepare to forge weapons and tools, some got up to train. Diana, on the other hand was taking the time to catch up with her mother, since her banishment things haven't been easy between them but after Athena intervened and sorted things out they were able to go back to normal for the most part.

"How are the Batman and the Superman?". Hippolyta asked her daughter.

"It's Batman and Superman, mother and they're doing perfectly fine". Diana smiled at her,"Me included".

"Fair enough". Hippolyta said as they were walking around the Palace,"However, my curiosity lies with the Spartan. Being able to kill an entire Pantheon is an impossible feat for many mortals, even you".

With permission from Troy, Diana told the Amazons about his origins. How he started as a noble child to how he became the best Spartan in all of Sparta and how he made a princess his warbride, how he defeated each and every other threat and how he butchered Ares and became immortal and everything else that happened after that.

The Amazons were horrified and disgusted by him killing many innocents in the past all in the glory of Ares, they were more shocked when they learned that he was a god. A title he gained shortly after killing Ares, many of the Amazons kept their distance after that. Nobody wanted to mess with a God but Artemis was still Artemis and didn't care about that.

"Troy hasn't had the most easiest life". Diana said as they continued walking,"He has been doing the right thing every since to make up for the sins he committed all those centuries back".

"He is a fine young man to be honest". Hippolyta smiled a little,"Most of the men we encountered were nothing like the Spartans, they only ever wanted to control us and tame us".

Then they heard commotion below, they looked down and saw a crowd of Amazons watching a sparring session between Artemis and Troy. They seemed to be fighting with swords and firing arrows at each other for some reason, which slightly confused Diana and Hippolyta.

"You seem to know the Spartan very well, Diana". The Queen said,"I've also been sensing a bit of tension between you two".

Diana was quiet for a moment and slowly exhaled, she wasn't the type to beat around the bush.

"He and I were a couple for a time being".


"I fell in love with someone else".

Hippolyta rubbed her temple and sighed.

"Diana. Why would you do this? Troy seems like a good person".

"Mother, I fell in love with someone else and I can't stop something I feel". Diana explained herself,"Superman is more light and bright and I love him for that. Troy is a person with a dark history and he has this dark aura that's been suffocating me for awhile and I couldn't take it".

"Troy's darkness is not the problem here, Diana and it's definitely not an excuse for you to leave him". Hippolyta said sternly.

"What should I have done then, mother?". Diana challenged.

"As his partner, it is your duty to bring him out of that darkness". Hippolyta said,"A loving relationship is build on trust and loyalty and you definitely gave up to soon on him".

"You wouldn't understand, mother". Diana sighed,"You haven't been in my shoes".

"I don't have to be in your shoes to understand". Hippolyta said before turning to leave,"By the way, choosing Superman over Troy is another mistake on your part".

Justice League: The SpartanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz