Chapter 29 - Conferment Ceremony

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"I think I'll risk it." Fuegoleon says, leaning back in his chair, arms across his chest. I haven't seen much of him lately. I spent most of my time taking care of the squad and when my symptoms started, I started to sleep in the medical ward next to my desk so I wouldn't get him sick or wake him up constantly in the night when I got up. "Are you feeling any better?"

"Not the least. None of my potions are working for me. I think my strain must have mutated too much because at least the potions take care of the majority of the squad's symptoms. I haven't heard any complaints of them not working all together." I take another bite of the soup before picking up the buttermilk biscuit and placing a small portion into my mouth. Apparently this is too much though for me to handle as I run to the bathroom, feeling my stomach start to eject everything I've just consumed.

"Perhaps I should call in some additional medics to help. I don't think your lack of sleep is helping your immune system." I hear him say from the bathroom's doorway. I throw a thumbs up in the air to signify my approval for the idea as my head is currently right above the toilet. After my stomach stops protesting I wash my hands and brush my teeth, using ample amounts of mouthwash to get the horrible taste out of my mouth. "Is there anything Owen can do?" He asks, putting a warm hand to my forehead as I try to pass him through the doorway on the way back to my desk. "Hm you don't seem to have a fever though, so you shouldn't be contagious." I sigh, gently pulling his hand down. I'm not that sick.

"It's just the flu. There's not much he or I can do about it. It's just got to run its course." I say in between my yawns. "I think I'm just going to take a small nap before the next patient comes in." I say walking towards the small cot I've been using to sleep on in between my work. But I'm stopped when Fuegoleon grabs my wrist before tugging me in the opposite direction.

"Then do it in your actual bed. If it really is just the flu going around then any medic I call in can handle it. You need your rest, especially with the conferment ceremony tomorrow." I'm about protest. He doesn't need to be around me if I'm sick, but as he said, I've got no fever so I'm not contagious. There's also no way for me to get out of tomorrow's ceremony anyways. Julius insisted I come this time to get my third class intermediate magic knight title. I had purposely avoided all previous ceremonies not being one for attention. But Leo was also being promoted at the ceremony and I also had a scheduled meeting with Julius and Marx that afternoon to go over the status of the Dalmascus steel refinement. So I give into Fuegoleon's demands and follow him back to the bedroom. There I change into my pajamas and crawl under the sheets before answering the sweet calls of sleep.


Alright, one smooth chunk of Dalmascus steel. Check. One medically useless grimoire, check. Potions? Uh do I really want to walk around the castle all day with these? Nah I'll just leave them here, they haven't helped my symptoms at all any ways. I start wrapping the steel back in its cloth before slipping it into my satchel next to my grimoire. There's only a few minutes left before I have to head down and leave for today's ceremony. Fuegoleon had already left for the castle giving me a few extra hours to sleep in. The extra shut eye did help quite a bit, but I still felt more fatigued than usual and my stomach still gives random bouts of protest. I was fortunate enough to be able to get some bland oatmeal down, though the taste was no where near as satisfying as my usual sugary pastry.

Quickly I give myself one last look over in the mirror. I didn't do anything too out of the ordinary. I wore my usual uniform, deciding that if this ceremony was to recognize our works as knights then I should wear the same knight uniform I wore on my missions. The few extra moments of slumber also meant I didn't have much time to do my hair after showering, so I threw it up in a messy bun but allowed a few of the front strands loose to softly curl and frame my face. Other than that, I had no extra time for preparations before I run out the door and to the portal to take me to Clover Castle.

Distant Worlds ~ A Black Clover Story (Fuegoleon Vermillion X OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt