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{Sasha's POV}

Jordyn and I showed up to the carnival a little late. We took our time doing our hair and make up and picking out our outfits, and I'm glad we did because we look GOOD!

"You wanna help me find Zack?" I ask Jordyn as we walk away from the ticket booth.

"We gotta find everybody else from the office first. He's probably with them." She says, her eyes scanning the venue for any familiar faces.

"HEEEEEY MY FAVORITE GIRLS!!!" We hear, and turn to see Diane waving us over to her and the rest of the group.

After we greet everybody, I look around and find Zack, but I don't see Daehyeon or Jimin. That's too bad, I wanted him to see how good I looked tonight.

"Oh where's Daehyeon? Did she decide to stay home?" Jordyn says, and had I not known her, I might've thought she was being genuine.

"No, she and Jimin went to go get on some ride." Diane says reassuringly, not catching Jordyn's sigh of disappointment.

"Hey babe, I've been wating for you." Zack gives me a quick peck on the lips and grabs my hand.

"I'm sorry, we took a long time getting ready."

"Don't sweat it. What do you wanna do first?" He asks me, and I don't even hesitate before shouting, "I WANT THAT BEAR!!!" Pointing at it and jumping up and down like a little girl. There were a few huge brown bears hanging up over the water shooting game with the clowns and balloons.

He laughs at my child-like display of zeal. "Alright, let's go."

I lead him over to the booth, taking a seat in front of one of the guns. I'm smiling ear to ear as he plops down next to me. He pays the five dollars for each of us and WE'RE OFF! I'm all into it, thinking I'm really doing something...

He beat me, but I still had fun.

"Nice! You can pick anything on the bottom row." The guy says, gesturing to a bunch of sad looking bunnies, and I frown.

"Wait, how do we get one of the big bears?" Zack asks after seeing my face.

"You have to play 10 times to get that." The man says.

Zack turns to me, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm sorry babe, I just don't have it tonight."

"It's okay..." I mutter.

"Do you still want the bunny?" The man asks me, holding it up.

"Yeah, thank you." I smile, taking the ugly blue thing from him.

"What do you want to do now?" Zack asks me as we walk.

"I don't know, what do you want to do?"

"I really wanna go to the haunted house!" He exclaims.

I don't like scary stuff and he knows I don't. Well he should know at least... But I'll go for him.

"Okay." I smile and he happily drags me over to it.

Here we go...


Three minutes in and I've almost peed my pants twice and Zack is missing.

The next thing that jumps out at me is getting punched in the throat, I'm just trying to find my way out of here.

After wandering around for a little while looking for him, and nearly having a mental breakdown, I spot him over by the slingshot, playing games with his friends?

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