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{Sasha's POV}

I get an uneasy feeling as I walk into the coffee shop. Why is there nobody in here? There's usually at least one person behind the counter. I've never seen it look this dead.

"Hello?" I call out, moving across the floor carefully. The lights flicker and I stop. No sir. I don't mess with the dark, if the lights go out, I'm out this bitch.

"We're in here!" I hear Jimin shout from somewhere in the back. I go behind the counter and find him and the four other guys from yesterday in a room talking.

"Yaaaay." The one Tae comes and gives me a hug. Why is he hugging me?

"Excuse him, he's always this weird." Jin says as he peels him off of me.

Jimin shoots Tae a look as he comes to puts his arm around me.

"Alright, let's jump right into this. You know entirely too much and there's only two things we can do about it." Everyone is silent as Namjoon speaks. "Either we let you in on what's happening... or we kill you." He states bluntly making Jimin tighten his grip on me, and shivers jolt down my spine. "But with much consideration, I've decided to go with the first option, solely because you're friends with Jimin."

A grin creeps onto my face at his words, as if this man didn't just threaten to kill me.

"But let's get one thing straight. He answers to me just like everybody else in this room, and now, so do you. Got it?"

"Got it." I nod my head.

"Ok first thing's first, you cannot tell a soul anything about what we are and what we do. I'm speaking from experience, very few people will understand and it will ultimately result in chaos and violence. Secondly, don't do that dumb ass shit you did the other night. If you see us taking care of something, you need to get as far away from the scene as possible as fast as you can for your own safety. Ok?"


"I should probably tell you what we are now. We're called 'Kyōryokuna Sonzais' which best translates to 'powerful beings.' Generally speaking, we're neither good nor bad, we're just humans with supernatural capabilities. Alright now stay with me cause here's where things get complicated. Everything is energy and everything has a frequency. I am called the 'Mottomo Kyōryokuna' which translates to 'the most powerful', because I have the highest frequency. Therefore I have the most control over my powers and can stabilize and heal the rest of these guys. Jimin, our Hageshī Sonzai however, has the lowest frequency, meaning that he has very little control over his powers right now. That's partly due to the fact that he doesn't have a set number of powers. He can do just about anything which sounds really cool, but is extremely difficult to deal with. The other reason is because of his past, but I don't feel like it's my place to..." Namjoon stops in the middle of his sentence when he notices Jimin doing something with his hands. He has his palms facing upwards while he wiggles his fingers creating a small pink sparkly cloud. My mouth gapes open as I watch pretty blue butterflies emerge from it.

"It's for you." Jimin grins at me.

"Awwwwwwe" My heart is about to fall out my butt.

"Jimin stop that." Namjoon sounds slightly nervous. All of a sudden we hear a "ZAP" and look up to find the ceiling cracked.

"OoOOoh shIT." Jin shouts, scrambling to the other side of the room.

"That's nothing!" Taehyung exclaims before stomping his foot one good time causing the ground to shake as a small rocky mountain arises in the middle of the room.

"I can do better!" Jungkook punches the mountain so hard it explodes causing pieces to go flying in every direction. I squeal and hide behind Jimin.

"Chill out wit that crazy shit now!" Jin yells from the hallway, making me laugh.

These boys are a mess.

Namjoon continues laying down the rules for me and the others start randomly using their powers out of boredom. It's so mesmerizing, I've pretty much tuned Namjoon out at this point.

"So!" He says catching me off guard.

"You ready to completely fuck up your life?" He says with a big smile on his face.

"Wait what?"

"I'm just kidding. But I hope you realize that your life is never going to be the same. You don't have just yourself to worry about anymore. Everything you do could possibly affect us and vice versa... But, we'll protect you." Those last reassuring words aren't doing much for my growing anxiety. What the hell have I gotten myself into?

"Welcome to the family kid." He ruffles my hair and grins. I whine and try to fix it making him laugh.

I don't wanna be a butthole and ask him because I know he probably told me when I wasn't listening, but protect me from what?

{Yoongi's POV}

They some bitches for going to meet up with Sasha without me. They know what they're doing is dangerous, and she's MY sister, what the fuck? I feel kinda betrayed. I know they don't want any of their families involved so why would they do this to mine? How come they can't respect my decision?

And then what the fuck is wrong with Jimin? He's now well aware that Sasha is my sister and he's still trying to fuck her. Isn't there some unwritten rule that you never mess with your friend's siblings? 

All I know is I'm not going for this shit. It's weird and it's really starting to piss me off.

I grab the bottle of vodka out the cabinet and head back to my room. But I notice something blinking in the corner of my eye.

It's Jimins unlocked phone on the sofa.

What the hell does this kid be thinking sometimes? Why did he leave his phone at home, and why doesn't he have a password on it?

I stare at it for a moment and then temptation takes over me. I pick it up and swipe to see who just texted him.

Zack 😎: Hey, I didn't feel like doing those spreadsheets today, do you think you can do them for me? I'll pay you.

Should I respond? He on some different shit.

Me: Hell no, lazy ass mother fucker

I exit out of the chat and see who else he's been texting. I see the beginning of a message that catches my eye.

Unknown: Hey this is Sasha's friend Tiara, have you... yesterday at 10:23 pm

I click on it just out of curiosity.

Unknown: Hey this is Sasha's friend Tiara, have you seen Sasha? Jordyn and I have been looking for her and we're starting to get worried.

A smug look creeps onto my face. Should I? I mean Sasha can't stand a liar so this cooould potentially split them up.

Fuck it.

Me: Hey, I'm just now seeing your message...

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