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The end of the day is approaching and I couldn't be happier. Hopefully I can get a chance to loosen up tonight, and it's Friday? You already know. I may even crack open a bottle of wine.

Just as I'm starting to pack up Jordyn comes back in.

"You see what time it is right?" She inched over to me.

"Yeah girl, I'm packing up now." I put some papers into a couple folders, and started loading my bag.

"All I know is I'm on break until five o'clock roll around." She mumbled making me snicker.

"Maybe we can slip out early, should we try?"

"Ooh lemme go get my keys." She dips out into the hallway at the mention of my sugestion.

She comes back a few moments later and waves for me to come on. We creep past everybody, clock out, and leave.


After stopping at the coffee shop to grab a few lattes we finally make it to my apartment.

I sigh as I drop my things to the floor. "Oooh chile, this week was so damn long."

"Right! It feels like I put my car in the shop so long ago. Can you believe they told me it's gonna be in there another two weeks?"

"They better get outta here wit that bull shi-" Damn this coffee good. I go into my room and change into something comfy. I hear music start playing on the stereo as soon as I come back out.

"I should've known you were doing something, you was too quiet." She just chuckled at me.

"C'mon girl, you needa loosen up! Go ahead, get loose!" She says body rolling over to me.

"You right... Ew get away from me." I laugh.

"You gotta put my song on though." I get another sip of my drink.

She turns on "Golden Hold" by Alkaline and of course I start throwing it back.




She starts doing some African looking dance, I'm pretty sure she made up, but I hype her up anyway.


For about two more songs we end up doing a mixture of actual moves and really ugly ones, looking a hot mess and loud as ever.

But then, "Dangerous" by Meek Mill comes on, and shit gets serious. I'm grinding, I'm body rolling, I'm in a split, I'm throwing it to the back, to the front, side to side-

*doorbell rings*

I quickly come down from twerking on the wall.

"Who the fuck is that?" I say as I get myself together.

"Oh that's Jimin!" Jordyn exclaims and swings the door open.

"Huh?..." What the fuck do you mean that's Jimin? We didn't discuss this. I look a mess, my place could be a lil neater, and now the whole room smelling like ass and pussy.

"Heeeey" He smiles and gives Jordyn a quick hug. I mouthed to her 'what is he doing here?' And she mouthed back 'I invited him' as if that answered my question.

"I brought dumplings, if you guys wanted some. Sasha why are you on the floor?" He questions.

Dammit. I truly look a mess right now.

"Uh I- uhhh..."

"She was clipping her toenails."

"BITCH NO I- I mean, g- gUuurl no I was not." I objected, the last part coming out through gritted teeth as I tilted my head.

He just laughed at us and went, "It smells interesting in here." My face twinged from embarrassment, I dropped my head.

"I like it."

I snicker at his comment. Of course you would. Men...

"It smells minty."

Wait what?... OH! MY INCENSE! THANK GOD!

"I think we should turn that movie on now." Jordyn suggested, looking over at me.

I took my time licking my lips in a way that she could tell I was aggravated. "Sure." I smiled shrewdly.

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