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{Sasha's POV}

It feels weird walking past Jimin's cubicle at work and not seeing him in there, but maybe this is what I needed.

I could barely sleep because he was stuck on my mind last night. Just thinking about the fact that something could piss him off to the point where he initiates a full on massacre gives me chills.

And what if that's not the only thing he was hiding from me? I don't know if I can trust him now...

Also I'm still feeling that pain in my hand on and off, but it seems like it's always at its worse when I'm at work, it's ridiculous.

Right now I'm on my way to work. Daehyeon texted me last night and let me know that she had finally gotten over her pneumonia and she would be coming in today. I'm ready to see my lil gimbap roll, it feels like it's been forever.




We run to each other dramatically the way people do in the movies, hugging each other tightly.

"I missed you so much, oh my God. How do you feel?" I ask as we walk into the break room, where Jordy and Tiara are already waiting for us with breakfast they had picked up from some fancy place.

"I feel alive I guess. I felt like a freaking zombie for the past three weeks."

"Wassup home skillet!" Tiara shouts as she hugs Daehyeon.

"Nothing much, I've just been recovering."

"You had us all worried about you n shit. Pneumonia is no joke, that shit can kill you." Tiara says.

"Glad you're alive." Jordyn comments in the driest tone ever.

"Thanks guys. So what did I miss? Did anything exciting happen while I was gone?"


"New guy?" Daehyeon's ears perked up. This was always surprising news because we almost never got new people, especially not in our department.

"Yes bitch! His name was Jimin and he was so fucking cute. He had these nice plump, pink lips, a perfect smile, flawless skin, and he wasn't that tall, but he was still sexy as hell..." Tiara raves and honestly, I'm getting annoyed because back the fuck up. That's my man even though he not my man.

I just keep quiet and eat my food.

"Oop. Where is he?" Daehyeon leans in with raised eyebrows.

"His ass got fired." Jordyn states bluntly. I don't care to talk about him right now and I don't think she does either.

Daehyeon gasps, "What? How? He wasn't even here a month!"

"I don't know girl, it was something stupid like he was being childish and rude to customers on the phone. I was just like c'mon now. What are we in? Highschool? That shit was lame." Jordyn takes a bite of her bacon and I start to get uncomfortable. I now know he didn't do it, but they still think he actually did.

"Oh that's dumb."

"Y'all would have been so cute together!" Tiara whines with a mouth full of eggs.

"No they wouldn't." Jordyn and I both say in unison. Can Tiara shut the fuck up? Damn. Why would they be cute together Tiara? Why? Because they're both Korean? You sound dumb.

"Yeah, no. Didn't Jordyn just say he was childish? I'll pass."

"Yeah maybe not. He was a big flirt too. Well worse than a flirt, he was a pervert. He asked me for nudes." Tiara says and Jordyn's eyes almost pop out of her head as she whips around to look at me like 'are you hearing this?'

There's so much I have not told them.

"Oh hell no, we definitely wouldn't be good together."

It's making me feel some type of way that they're talking about him like this, I wanna say something... Should I?

"He didn't do it."

They all stop and look at me confused.

"He didn't do what? He didn't ask her for nudes?" Daehyeon asks.

"He wasn't the one harrassing customers and he's not a pervert. He didn't do any of that."

"What? How do you know that?" Jordyn questions.

"He told me."

"Who did it then?" Tiara asks.

"My brother. He did it because he doesn't like Jimin."

"Woah, woah, woah. How do they even know each other?" My stomach starts doing back flips when Jordyn asks me this.

I need to be really careful about what I say to them.

"They went to school together."

"Oh that's fucked up, Yoongi catching these hands next time I see him." Jordyn sits back in her chair.

"So that guy lost his job for no reason? Your brother is evil! We should-" Daehyeon stops talking when our boss walks in.

"Don't you guys have work you need to be doing?" Soohyeon says.


I'm in my space just minding my business and doing paperwork when I feel two big hands on my shoulders.

I look up to see Zack's face hovering over mine.


I swat his hands and go back to doing my work.

"Oh so it's like that?" He laughs.

"Yes, now what do you want?" I say, not looking away from what I'm doing.

"You" he says and I freeze. I spin around to face him.

"Give me a break."

I grab some papers and make my way to the copy machine, and he follows me down the hall.

"I'm serious. I've been seeing you around with that little Asian guy and I don't like seeing him so close to my girl."

"I am not your girl." I say as I'm rustling through cabinets.

"But you will be."

I slam the cabinet and snap towards him. "You are my ex for a fucking. Reason."

"Yeah, but I've changed." He pulls me closer to him and I try to avoid looking into his blue eyes.

He grabs my chin, turning my face forcing me to look at him.

"Let me show you that I'm ready to be the man you need me to be."

I just stand there, blankly staring at him.

He leans in and gently presses his lips to mine and I-

I kiss back, being the fucking idiot that I am.

God I fucking hate him. He always does this. We'll get together, everything seems fine for a while before he starts treating me like trash, I break up with him, and then he comes crawling back telling me everything I want to hear, and I fall for it all over again like a dumbass.

I push him away, walking out of the copy room.

"You looking extra thick today."

"Get away from me."

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