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{Sasha's POV}

It's been a little over a week since Zack and I got back together.

And a week since Jimin and Daehyeon started dating.

I have no words for that whole situation. It happened way too fast...

I feel like he's just trying to make me mad, and if he is, it's working. Every time I think about it, I just wanna punch somebody in the face.

They make me sick, all cuddled up in the break room, whispering sweet nothings to each other, feeding each other ramen noodles. I should be the one he-


In other news, Zack has been a really good boyfriend lately. And by "really good" I mean 'not completely shit.' He still doesn't pay me much attention, and goes out with his friends a lot, but at least he's not calling me out my name and talking down to me like he used to. We haven't even gotten into any arguments YET.

I'm whistling to myself as Tiara and Jordyn fight over the last of the chips. We're all at my place just talking in the kitchen.

"Let's just play rock paper scissors for it." Jordyn suggests.

"Ok." Tiara sighs, setting the chips down on the counter.

"Rock! Paper-"

Jordyn snatched the chips off the counter and took off running.


"You should've seen that coming." I laugh.

"You know I'm slow..." She mopes.

"Yes you are."

She slaps my thigh and I laugh.

"DON'T BE HITTING MY BEST FRIEND!!" Jordyn comes running back in, loud as ever.

"WHATCHU GON DO HOE?!?" Tiara shouts, and they start squarin' up.

I just sit back and watch them fight. I don't know why Tiara even tries, she get her ass whooped every time.

"Owwww" Tiara whines, holding her arm.

"RUN UP GET DONE UP HOE!" Jordyn shouts.

Tiara just sucks her teeth. "Whatever..."

"Y'all I don't know what I'm gon wear tomorrow." I announce.

"Me either girl, I got some lil dresses or whatever, but it's supposed to be cold tomorrow so I don't know." Jordyn sighs.

Tiara frowns at us. "Wait where y'all going tomorrow?"

"The carnival, dummy."

"Oh yeeeeeah! I completely forgot. Sasha are you bringing Zack?"

"Everybody from the office is going."

Jordyn sucks her teeth. "Maaaaaan, that mean we gotta see Jimin and that bitch Daehyeon."

"Daaaaang, why she gotta be a bitch?" She and I aren't the closest, but we're still friends.

"I don't like that hoe, she always acting like she better than everybody."

Jordyn has a point, I definitely see that.

"Yeah I didn't really care for her either after she called me "too dark." And Jimin was supposed to be my man so I don't know what she thinks she's doing with him..." Tiara says, looking at her nails.

Jordyn and I just glance at each other.

"Ain't you the same one that said they would be cute together?" Jordyn asks, looking at Tiara like she's an entire idiot.

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