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{Jimin's POV}

I feel great as I make my way into the building because that pain I was feeling seems to be gone, and more importantly, I get to be around Sasha more again.

I said I would move on, but that doesn't mean I can't admire her from afar.

Stepping into the elevator, I feel the nervousness starting to pool up in my stomach. What if she doesn't want to see me? There's a good chance she's just going to act the same way she does at home: distant.

If there was an award for being the best at avoiding people, it would definitely go to Sasha. How is she able to avoid someone who lives with her?

Yeah this is a bad idea, it's like I don't even exist to her anymore.

No. I need to be positive about the situation. Namjoon once said good energy attracts more good energy.

I put on a charming smile as I walk down the corridor towards Sasha's cubicle. I just wanna say 'hi' and let her know that I'm back.

But my smile is wiped clean off my face as soon as I get to the doorway.

I feel rage creeping into my chest, growing stronger, and threatening to explode out of my face as I watch Sasha make out with that guy Zack. She's sitting on her desk and he's between her legs and they're both too occupied to even notice me standing here.

I walk away from the door, confused as to whether I'm more angry or sad right now. Either way, I'm hurt.

How could she do this to me? I thought we had something? She never said that she liked me, but I felt something, and I know she did too.

Ah, what am I saying? We were never even together. And I'm supposed to be moving on. I'm so worried about her and she's not thinking twice about me.

I get to my cubicle and my eyes begin to sting from the tears welling up in them.

I hate that I'm so sensitive sometimes.

I try to blink them away. I feel so weak right now.

I need to do something to distract myself with physical pain.

Without even thinking about it, I grab a pen and quickly jab it into my arm.


"You alright in there?" A coworker calls out to me from next door.

"Yeah, I'm fine!"

Fuck! That hurt...

{Sasha's POV}

I feel pretty ok today.

Trying to forget what happened with Zack last night is a little harder than I thought it would be. Usually I would be jumping down his throat, but not this time. Things are just getting back to how they used to be, and I don't wanna mess it up. On top of that, I refuse to let Jin be right.

Right now I'm making my way to the breakroom, it's about time for some coffee.

I stop in my tracks when I get there and see the one and only Park Jimin standing in front of the counter in his regular expensive looking business attire, fixing a pack of ramen noodles.

Staring at the back of his head, I can't help but wonder what... is he doing here?

"Heeeeeey you!" I say awkwardly.

He turned towards me and turned back around. "Hi..."

That was dry as hell.

"You got your job back?"

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