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*Two days later*

{Jimin's POV}

Namjoon and I just got back to Sasha's place after dropping Yoongi off. Joon had convinced him to come with us to the office to help me get my job back. Phil was a little reluctant at first, but let's just say Namjoon is good at persuading people... With his hands... In a not-so-nice manner.

Phil said I can come back to work on Thursday.

I just hope I feel better by then because I'm really starting to get tired of this pain I'm feeling. I don't know what happened, on the way to my job I was feeling better than I've felt all week. I could move just fine and the pain was almost completely gone, but as soon as we got home, I felt terrible all over again. I'm slowly getting used to it, but it's really annoying. What the hell is going on with my body?

On top of that, Sasha hasn't been talking to me much these past few days. She told me she wasn't afraid of me, but I know she is, her actions say it all. She's been so jumpy and distant, and she doesn't even come close to me anymore.

I should've known things would turn out this way. I was crazy to think she could ever fall in love with me. No one will ever love me, I'm a monster.

But I want her so bad.

I know she doesn't feel the same, but I think I'm in love with her. I get butterflies when I'm around her, it makes me happy just thinking about her, my heart melts at the sound of her voice, and those eyes... I find myself lost in those big brown eyes.

Sometimes it almost feels like we're connected.

Forget it. People probably feel like this all the time, I need to move on.

{Sasha's POV}

I feel like I can breathe now that I'm not around Jimin every second of the day. The office is right back to how it was before he got here; Boring, but peaceful.

It hurts a little bit- well no... it hurts a lot because I still have feelings for him, but what Yoongi said really opened my eyes. I'm finally starting to understand just how dangerous he is, and I have to distance myself. I have to be smart and protect myself and the best way for me to do that is to leave him alone.

It's gonna be hard with him and his friends still living with me in the meantime, but i'll manage. I already told Jimin he can't sleep in my room anymore.

On the bright side, Zack and I seem to be rekindling our relationship. Things are better than ever and I'm just hoping they don't go south.

He took me out for lunch yesterday and we had a long talk about everything that happened between us. I feel like I'm ready to leave everything that happened in the past, and start fresh.

I walk into the storage room to grab a few things for my supervisor, Phil.

Ok I need envelopes, stamps, and pens. I hum to myself as I search the room, finding the envelopes and stamps in no time.

Now where are the pens?...

I get on my toes, trying to see the top of a shelf when I feel two hands grip my waist tightly.

My breath hitches in my throat and I feel something pressing up against my butt. I look up over my shoulder and Zack crashes his lips onto mine before my mind can even process that it's him. He moves his hands to my breasts, fondling them roughly as he grinds his pelvis against my ass.

I pull away trying to catch my breath.

"Zack stop before somebody comes in here and sees us!" I whisper.

"Oh come on. Live a little." He smirks.

I turn around and face him. "There will be no living if Phil comes in here because we'll both be dead!"

He grabs my ass, pulling me closer, forcing my body onto his. "But baby, I want you." He growls into my neck.

I entangle my fingers into his hair as he kisses me roughly. He picks me up, slamming my back against the shelves before attacking my neck with sloppy lust filled kisses as he dry humps me.

Thirty minutes later, we finally come out of the storage room, the memory of our long, heated makeout session still fresh in our minds.

"Don't forget about our date tonight." He whispers in my ear cheekily.

"I won't." I smile as I strut away from him.

Dammit! I forgot the pens.


I raced home, and hopped in the shower, excited about tonight. It's been months since I've been on a date.

What am I gonna wear? It's been forever since I've shopped for clothes. I gotta have something though, I still have stuff I haven't even worn yet.

I rush out the bathroom and go into my closet, rummaging through clothes. I grab a dress and some cute underwear, throwing them on the bed and snatching my towel off.

The door to my room flings open abruptly and I scream, hands scrambling chaotically in a panicked attempt to cover myself up (I'm failing by the way).

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." Jin couldn't sound any less apologetic as he stares at my body.

"No you're not." I groan, annoyed with him.

"I'm not."

"Get out."


He turns around to leave but stops.

"Wait- I need to talk to you." He closes the door and remains facing that direction.

"Jin! What are you doing?! Get out!" I shout.

"You're making a big mistake."


"W-What are you talking abou-"

"You know what I'm talking about."

"He's. Changed."

"He has not." He says sternly.

"Jin you can't tell me anything about Zack. We've been on and off for years, I know him."

"But I know what he's thinking."

"Well maybe you're wrong."

"Sasha I'm never wrong, I just don't want you to-"


Jin sighs. "Fine. But don't say I never told you so." He says before walking out and slamming my door.

What does Jin know anyway? He's never even met Zack! My intuition is great, I would've known if he hadn't changed. I would feel it.

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