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{Sasha's POV}

I walk into the restaurant and everybody's already at the table waiting for me. My, it is lavish in this place.

As soon as they see me, a few of them erupt into a collective, "HEEEEY!!"

"Heyyy!" I greet them back.

They're so warm and welcoming, I love the people at the office.

"HOW YOU DOOOIN?" Jordyn exclaims, doing thee most as always.

"I'm ok." I smile happily. I look over and notice that the only open seat is right in front of Jimin who's just cheesing at me.

Here we go.

I make my way over and shake his warm hand.

"You look really beautiful." He licked his lips and smirked at me and GUUURL. If I wasn't head over heels for him before, you can bet your ass I am now.

"Thank you." Fuck I am blushing so hard. Pull it together girl, this man could possibly be dangerous.

"WHERE DA WINE AT?" Jordyn's ghetto ass shouts.

Jimin puts his hand up to his mouth and throws his head back as he laughs at Jordyn and Tiara cuttin up. I catch myself staring at him and quickly look away.

Soohyeon, our boss, stands up and taps her glass a couple times, getting everybody's attention.

"I would just like to make a toast to new opportunities, new beginnings, and another prosperous year. I was so elated and proud of all of you when I heard that we had more than doubled the profits from last year! I won't make this too long cause I know y'all hungry, but I love all of you, and I hope we have many more great years to come. To Insure United!" We all cheer and clank our glasses.

I take a sip of my drink and start to dig into this here filet mignon. Everybody starts telling stories about memories they've had at work, just laughing and having a good time.

But I can see Jimin looking at me in the corner of my eye so I turn to face him. He makes a silly face at me and I giggle to myself.

"Do you like your food?"

"Yeah it's really good, how's yours?" I reply casually.

"It's alright, but I can do better."

"Oh really?" I scrunch my brows at him.

"Yeah, I love to cook."

"I remember those dumplings you made, those were the bomb dot com."

He lets out a small laugh. "Thanks"

"And you still have to show me how to make that "soul food" you were talking about."

"Yeah I ain't forget."

"Your eyes are so pretty." He says, leaning forward and staring deeply into them, catching me off gaurd.

"Oh wow, thank you! But they're just brown." I start frantically looking around the room, avoiding eye contact.

"Exactly, and they're still the prettiest I've ever seen."

I know I look like an idiot trying not to smile. He's really doing it up tonight with the compliments. Was he always this much of a flirt?

We continue talking and it's starting to feel more comfortable. I'm coming to the conclusion that though he's really sweet and silly and adorable, he is probably the biggest flirt I have ever met. A REAL smooth talker, which could be a bad sign, but right now I'm loving it.

I reached to grab a napkin and he reached for my hand, but I quickly pulled away, not realizing what he was trying to do.

"Oh I'm sorry." He said shyly as he scratched the back of his neck with the rejected hand. His flirtacious attitude calmed down real quick and I could tell he was a little embarrassed.

I slowly slid my hand towards him again, gently placing my hand in his and he blushed harder than I'd ever seen him. I like this game, it's my turn to be the flirt.

"What the hell are y'all doing over here?" Zack laughs, I hope he doesn't start being an asshole.

"This is not a couples retreat." He walks off after mumbling his little dig.

"Aaaaanywaaaaay." I roll my eyes directing my attention back to Jimin who just chuckles.

Let's not beat around the bush here.

"Jimin you are sexy as hell, do you know that?" I blurt out.

He bites his lip and looks down- Wait, did his hand get warmer?

He looks back up and cracks a smile before going "I'm sorry" and looking away again. I just smile at him cheekily. He had so much courage earlier, but now he seems nervous and shy.

All of a sudden I notice an overwhelming burning sensation on my hand.

"AHh!" I whine, snatching my hand away from his.

"What was th-"

"JIMIN!" A deep voice booms, scaring the shit out of me and probably everybody else in the room.

"Outside. Now." The tall man orders through gritted teeth. He spoke with so much conviction, I almost felt like I was in trouble too. The room was quiet as they both left, leaving everyone confused and slightly startled.

A couple minutes later things had picked up again and I excused myself to go to the "bathroom." I slipped out a back door and crept around the side of the building. I stopped when I looked around the corner and saw Jimin standing in front of three other guys. One was the tall guy who had just yelled at him. Next to him was a guy with loose pants and sandals on with his head hanging down like he had fucked up too. And on the other side was a guy with a head wrap, a robe, and slippers on looking like somebody's angry mama. I'm trying to eavesdrop, but I can't really hear what they're saying.

I jumped when I heard an extremely loud sound. I turned around trying to see if I could find where the unusual sound came from.

But when I looked back, they were all gone.

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