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{Hoseok's POV}

I wake up to the sound of sirens blaring in the distance. My vision is blurry as my eyes try to focus.

Why do I feel so cold?

"Hey kid!" I hear a man's voice call out to me.

I shift my weight and try to sit up. I feel sharp pains all over my body, making me groan.

"Take it easy kid. They're bullet wounds, not paper cuts."

I looked up to find the dark silhouette of a tall, slender man standing over me. I caught a glimpse of his blonde hair in the street light.

I look down at my body and it's too dark to see anything, but I can definitely feel the blood and the aching from the wounds. It's freaking me out a little bit, but it can't be too bad if I'm still alive, right?

"What happened? Where am I?" I scratch my head as I think out loud, not really expecting him to know the answer.

"Your friends left you here to die." He says plainly, catching me off.

I cock my head to the side, "Huh?"

"There was a robbery, you tried to help catch the guy, they watched you get shot, then left you here on the ground."

"No, I think you have it all wrong, my friends would never do that to me." I chuckle softly, but it's interrupted by another agony induced groan.

"But they did, I literally watched it happen."

"Who are you anyway?"

The man steps closer to me and stretches out his hand.

"Victor, Victor Paige. But you can call me Vic."

I'm able to see his face a little bit and man, this dude looks creepy. Even so, I reach up and shake his hand.

I try to stand up and the pain instantly gets 10x worse, "AHH fuck!"

"Don't worry, you'll heal." The man reassures me as he helps me to my feet.

"I don't mean to sound rude, but why are you helping me?"

"Let's just say I have some unfinished business with one of your friends, and seeing as though they betrayed you too, I was hoping you'd see things from my point of view and help me get revenge."

"Hey you seem cool n all, but imma have to pass, and if you try to hurt my friends, I'm gonna snap your neck."

"Why? They don't seem to give a shit about you."

Wow, that kinda hurt... Not as much as these bullet holes, but still.

"What are you talking about? My brothers love me."

"They did nothing when you needed them the most, then abandoned you!"

I really hope he's lying and this is all just some sick joke because this is starting to hurt worse than the bullet holes.

"No. I refuse to believe my friends would do something like that. And even if that is true, didn't you say you saw too? Why didn't you help me? You're no better than them."

"What do I have to lie for? Yeah I saw what happened, but guess what? I'm here now. They're not." He snarls.


As much as I hate to admit it, he's right...

"I'm sorry to break it to you kid, but sometimes you have to step back and see things for what they really are."

*Flashback End*

I fell into a deep depression after that day. There was no happy, loving Hoseok anymore.

I wasn't the one who died. He was.

I just felt so abandoned, and worthless, and lonely because deep down, I missed my best friends.

But after some time, that sadness subsided to anger. I hated them more than anything.

I just couldn't believe that they would do something that awful to me. I had always been so kind and supportive of them, just to find out that they couldn't care less about me. I would have died for them if I had to, they were like family to me. But now I'm glad I didn't.

Vic told me later that Jimin tried to help me, but the others held him back. That was nice to know. I don't hold anything against Jimin, but the rest of them? They're dead to me.

I've since lost touch with Vic as well. I don't know, he was too much for me. He was truly evil and the things he had planned... I just didn't wanna be a part of that. He taught me a few things about my powers, like how to heal myself and a few other things I'm not sure why or how he knows. But in the end, he only really saw me as a pawn in his schemes.

But now, I don't need him. I'm going to get revenge myself.

{Sasha's POV}

I come home to find Jin eating up my food, Namjoon sitting in my floor playing with computer parts, Yoongi laying on my couch in his underwear, and Tae and Jungkook playing baseball with MY GOOD. FUCKING. VASE.

I watch bewildered as Tae throws my vase and Jungkook shatters it with the leg of one of my chairs. Tae snaps his finger, putting it back together again. They take turns doing this a good three more times before I snap.

"HAVE Y'ALL LOST YOUR MINDS!?!" Everybody stops what they're doing and turns to look at me.

"WHY ARE Y'ALL STILL HERE?" I yell, and Jungkook goes invisible.

That was cool, but I'm too agitated to be impressed right now.

"Y'all, don't move and she won't see you." Tae says, trying to look frozen, making Jimin laugh.

"This shit ain't funny, y'all said one night!"

"Sasha chiiiiiiill-" Namjoon says.

"Nah, I was fine until y'all decided to use the vase my momma gave me as a baseball!"

"No, but it's fine see." Tae says snapping his fingers, putting it back together again.

"Nigga, gimme my shit!" I snatch it away from him. "And none of you answered my question!"

"Sasha can you pleeeeease just let us stay here a little longer? We were behind on bills anyway." Namjoon begs.

"And it's so nice in here, can we stay pleeeeeease?" Taehyung pouts his lip. I look around and see everybody else doing the same. Jungkook even stopped being invisible, just so I could see his pouty face.

I sigh and go into the kitchen. "Alright, just don't touch my stuff..."


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