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"I'm so ready for break."

Chuckling as Lucas sighs I nod my head in agreement tossing the ball in my hand up towards the ceiling.

"Is your brother going home for
Christmas with you?"

"Yeah, he kinda has too otherwise I wouldn't have a ride my parents are both busy with work."

"That's good I can't wait to see you man it's been so long I don't even remember what you look like."

"Michael, it was literally three months ago you saw me last."

"Still it sucked that you didn't
go home for Thanksgiving.

"Sorry man I had some projects to finish, besides I managed to meet up with my family at my aunt's house only half an hour away from here."

"Can't believe you picked your aunt over me."

Smiling when he laughs I look at my phone watching him fiddle with a pick in his keychain.

"Hey can I ask you something?

"Sure thing."

He smiles looking up at me setting his keys in his lap.

"Where did you get that pic on your keychain I didn't notice it until before school ended then never bothered asking."

Lucas smiles biting his lip and picking it up holding in front of the camera so I can see it better. A metal pick with the engraving April eighteenth on it a small heart.

"Crystal gave it to me after graduation it's the date I asked her to be my girlfriend."

"Oh, sorry I didn't realize."

"It's alright I'm doing better even though I miss her like crazy, I still can't figure out how she thought that I'd find somebody else."

"Honestly I don't know man I just think she was really scared and worried."

Yeah, I figured that too I need to see her but I know she won't agree to it. She has sent me one text since I got here saying she hoped classes go well. That's it I never heard anything else after I thanked her."

"My poor babies their hearts are aching for one another yet they're being kept apart by fear and doubt."

Sighing I lay back on my bed looking at Lucas who smiles slightly shaking his head.

"You seriously need to stop reading those romance novels. I don't know how Lacy puts up with you man seriously you're a pain sometimes."

"Hey! I enjoy them and she loves me so of course she puts up with me not like it's a hard thing to do."

I smirk pretending to brush off my shoulders then smile when he laughs.

"On a serious note man I hope you guys get back together eventually. You made each other so happy I've never seen you that happy with a girlfriend before."

"Yeah, she made me really happy I hope so too because I miss her."

"Okay, love life aside have you finished your exams yet?"

"Yes! Thankfully I finished them yesterday that's why today I'm literally doing nothing that requires brain power."

"That's the same exact thing that I did when I finish mine I was so ready to not think."

I remark laying on my stomach stuffing my pillow underneath my chin.

"I'm so excited for Christmas like you have no idea."

"Dude you and me both all the food, presents, hot chocolate and seeing you along with Lacy. I'm so ready!"

Lucas chuckles nodding his head telling me about the plan to have Christmas at their house this year instead of his grandma's. Turns out we were all gonna be celebrating Christmas at our housees this year. I definitely believed it was our family's idea of letting us see each other.
Sorry it's so short but we're going to be wrapping the book up very soon.

Forbidden Desire (Student/Teacher) Currently Editing Where stories live. Discover now