"Um welcome..." she said and stood up straight, dusting off her clothes and smiling at me.

"Plan b pills..." I panted and walked up to her. My hands were trembling and I leaned on the counter she sat behind as she looked at me with a confused expression.

"Sir? Are you feeling okay?" She asked. She couldn't have been older than twenty-five and her hair was bleached.

"I need... a plan b pill..." I said between exhausted breaths.

"Uh... alright..." She stuttered. "I'll grab a set for you... you just... rest?"

Shortly after she placed a small box in front of me I heard the doors to the pharmacy open with a friendly tone and Brian's voice surrounded me.

"You can't just run off like that!" He complained.

I swiped my card and glared at him while I did so. The annoyed look on his face slowly turned soft and he nodded his head in understanding. Holy shit I was so grateful for him.

I stepped out of the pharmacy with my small plastic bag. I held the small plastic bag in my hand and walked past him. Wasn't I supposed to feel relieved? I had the solution to my potential problem in my hand yet I felt somewhat melancholy. A heavy ache wrapped around my heart and squeezed. Not metaphorically. I literally felt a pain through my chest as I looked down at the small bag.

"I'm gonna go inside the store... you wanna stay in the car or come with?" Brian asked and gave me a gentle pat on the back.

I stared at the bag. "I'll be in the car..." I mumbled.

I pulled the box out of the bag and stared at it for a few seconds. The pastel green box looked almost cheerful as I held it; as if it was mocking me. It honestly enraged me that they made it look so pretty. Pretty colours are for pretty occasions, not for emergency contraception.

Jayden. That fucking idiot. I couldn't blame him though. His knowledge was that guys couldn't get pregnant. The problem was that I wasn't an ordinary guy.

I pried the box open with my nails and dug out the instructions. They were simple. Just swallow the pill within seventy-two hours after the unprotected sex. I gulped down a lump in my throat as I looked at the small pill. I didn't know how my body worked. I knew that I had a working uterus pretty much where women had one but its entrance was in my butt. I shivered at the thought. My doctors told me that it was barely detectable if you didn't know exactly what you were looking for and where. Would this even work on me? What would happen if I was actually pregnant? How would that even work out? Would it harm me?

I shoved the pill into my mouth and dry swallowed it. It slowly slid down my throat, painfully scratching its way to my stomach. I coughed a few times before swallowing the saliva I had gathered to try and soothe my achy throat. It didn't work as well as I hoped it would and a nauseating feeling crawled up my neck. It felt like the pill was stuck in my throat even though I knew it wasn't. My mind couldn't reassure my body though and I tried to stay calm as my muscles told me that something was stuck in my throat. Phantom pains? They would disappear eventually. My brain knew better than to listen to them.

The trunk of the car opened and Brian pushed a few grocery bags into it. He hopped into the driver's seat and looked down at my lap, seeing the pastel box and the empty aluminium bubble pack.

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