Chapter 45

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Rina and Serena had prepared everything for the arrival of their father quickly thanks to Rina knowing Zizi so well but also, partially thanks to the nervous energy that made them work harder. It was as if they did things faster because they were so terrified that they wouldn't finish everything on time and that their father would die because of it.

However, after they finished everything, it became even worse for them. They had too much time to think about what might happen and how they would deal with it. Would they lose their father only days after having found him again? Would it be their fault?

It was as if the less they had to do the more their brains had free rein to imagine the worst possible scenarios. In some of which both Nat and Jack were dead as a consequence of being found by the horrible people who were after them.

Rina couldn't help but wonder why people had to always try to take advantage of others, to use them for their own nefarious goals. Why couldn't they just live and let others live? Is it necessary for humans to always be in conflict with someone or something?

Before she knew it, Rina could feel hot tears running down her face and not beautifully, the way the movies seemed to believe people cried but in a messy, uncontrollable way. It was painful and it was so real that she felt as if she could cry out all the pain and fear.

Maybe if she kept crying out the tsunamis of tears her fears would be washed away in the flood. Then, she could maybe be able to see a way for all of them to come out of the situation alive and well.

Unfortunately for her, the world didn't work like that. No amount of tears could wash away the worry and most importantly the fear for the lives of the ones they cared about.

Upon noticing that Rina was a crying mess, Serena hugged her tightly and tried without success to hide her shaking shoulders as she joined her sister in crying her heart out.

It was irrational but Serena somehow felt that crying in her sister's arms made it all a little better. At least she had one person who understood exactly how she felt, one person who shared her pain and her fear.

Although she had found an amazing friend in Nat, she had always wanted a sister, someone to confide in, to share laughter with and on occasion share sorrow with. It was as if her dreams were coming true but in the worst possible way.

She found a sister to share everything with but what they have managed to share so far was fear and pain. Serena hoped with all her heart that soon enough they would be able to share joy with each other as well.

It felt to both of the girls as if fate was playing a cruel joke on them by giving them all they ever wanted and then threatening to get it all away from them again.

Soon enough they heard the cluttering of the hoofs approaching the house. Both of them jumped instantly and ran outside almost tripping on the steps in their hurry to check if everyone is okay.

When they approached the carriage they could see their father just laying there, not moving. Fear made Rina's heart skip a beat. It didn't look like he was breathing.

"Is he...?" She started to ask.

"He is alive," Zizi reassured her.

If it were anyone else telling her that she would've doubted them but knowing Zizi and her talents, Rina knew that her father was definitely alive. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth like a caged bird seeing freedom for the first time.

"Come on girls help us get him to the guest room. He is alive, but he won't be for long if we don't do something quickly." Zizi said.

All of them helped out carrying Jack up the steps and into the guest room that was a bit separated from the kitchen and the bedroom and that was in a way like an apothecary for Zizi. Many herbs were drying in the room, some were even on the bad when Rina and Serena first entered the room, but they moved them elsewhere.

Rina still remembered how her grandmother worked, that the guest room was her healing room and that it contained everything one might need to heal someone. Everything was close by and that made it easier for Zizi to do what she did best, heal people.

Once they laid Jack gently on the soft bed, Zizi set out to gather the necessary things around the room. The old lady was like a force of nature when life was in balance and soon enough she was ready to start.

However, before she started she motioned for all of them to leave.

"We can't just leave him. What if you need help?" Caroline said.

Panic was obvious in her eyes. She didn't want to leave her husband's side. She was ready to do whatever it took to save him.

"I need my space and my focus. I can't focus with all of you staring at us. Rina, dear." Zizi said.

It was as if the last sentence was a request and Rina understood what she meant perfectly well. Immediately she wrapped one hand around her mother and another around her sister pulling them outside with her while Nat followed close behind closing the door once they exited the room.

"The best thing you can do for him now is to give Zizi space. She is amazing at what she does, but she can never work with an audience, especially a disbelieving one or the one that is too close to the person being healed. There is too much negative energy, too much pain, and fear, so she can't focus." Rina explained as she dragged them into the small cozy kitchen.

Accepting Rina's logic, especially having no other options Caroline and Serena settled down for a long wait.

As Serena set down on the old beaten up sofa, Nat joined her. The moment he sat next to her he took her hand in his and squeezed gently showing his support, trying to transfer some of his reassurance to her.

"I was worried about you, as well," Serena told him.

"Why would you be worried about me?" Nat asked.

"Oh, you know me, thinking of the worst-case scenarios and all that. I thought that maybe those horrible guys had found you, had hurt you." Serena said.

"I told you countless times and I'll tell you again. You worry too much." Nat said.

A sad smile graced her lips. It was true, but she felt that this time all her fears were justified.

"Thanks, by the way," Serena said.

"For what?" Nat asked.

"For staying by my father's side, for keeping him alive." She said.

"Always," Nat answered.

With that being said the room fell into silence once again as it's occupants couldn't focus on anything but Jack and whether Zizi could save him. Even Rina who was always very confident in her great-grandmother's skill couldn't help but worry.

From all of them, Caroline seemed the calmest but that was just the result of years she had spent learning how to repress her emotions, how to stop them from showing while her very soul was crumbling from the amount of pain she felt.

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