Chapter 22

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Next day started out like just another regular day. The only unusual thing about it was Rina's fantastic mood.

After finding out that her parents loved her, she couldn't help but feel better about herself, about the world in general.

Unfortunately for her, other people often seemed to sense when she was in a good mood and tried to ruin it.

Upon entering the kitchen, she was surprised to see that her whole 'family' was there. That almost never happened.

They all had looks of determination on their faces and Rina didn't know what to expect.

"I think it is time for us to have a serious conversation," Grace said as she motioned her towards the nearby chair.

As she sat down, Rina got a feeling that she wouldn't like the conversation that Grace had planned out for them, and that it would most definitely ruin her good mood.

"Can't it wait?" She couldn't help but ask, ready to do anything to postpone whatever was about to ruin her mood.

"No, we have waited long enough. For years, I have respected my husband's dying wish.

I took care of you, although God knows it was a challenge.

I gave you everything, but you were never satisfied.

It was like no matter how much money I gave you, or things, or opportunities, you were never satisfied. You always wanted more." Grace said.

Rina couldn't believe her own ears. She never asked for anything, and only accepted all those things so as not to offend Grace and now that was used against her.

Grace didn't seem to understand what Rina truly needed from her, from all of them.

"Did it ever occur to you, that the only thing I ever wanted from you was to love me? To love me in the same way you love your sons.

Can't you understand that what I craved for all these years was your affection?

All of you have either ignored me or lectured me, but never showed me an ounce of emotion. I needed you!" Rina said unable to stop herself from finally saying what was always bothering her.

"Don't be ridiculous! You never cared about that! You never needed anyone! That was one of the things that scared me about you.

How could you not care what others thought of you? How could any person be so self-sufficient?

I always knew that there was something weird about you, but my dear naive husband didn't want to accept the fact.

That is one of the main reasons why I did my best to isolate me and my precious boys from you, to protect us.

It is not normal for someone to be like you. To be interested in such strange and unorthodox things, to express opinions that others don't approve.

I mean which normal girl would go around climbing trees and spending hours in her room reading.

There is something more, something unnatural about you that I could never pinpoint." Grace said.

As tears slowly ran down her face as if they were racing with each other wetting her freshly washed t-shirt her heart broke.

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